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A/N: Finally came around to split this part, too and upload the map. Take notice of the changes on the update schedule: Because I am publishing this story on fanfiction.net and AO3 as well, I will publish the first part here a short time before the chapters appear on those platforms. The second part will follow after this. I'll post a new chapter every two weeks. (Over a week has passed since chapter "3". So next chapter is coming soon.^^)

"Alright we're almost there," the driver yelled from up the front.

The hours had quickly passed by on their trip thanks to Jinya-sama's company. He had told her more about the Crystal and about his religion. He even told her, how to evoke the Crystal's power in oneself with the help of meditation.

Jinya-sama seemed to be a kind monk in his thirties, who had seen a lot of the world and honored the power of the Crystal in each of his words.

She had sucked up every word and was eager to learn more about the Crystal and the legend, in hope to find a way to end the war with another symbol of peace than an arranged marriage. If she found another strategy to bring final peace to the lands, the lord of Tsuchimikado would have to listen to her.

And so the time flew by and they had reached the coastline with the ride being over sooner than she had expected. The day had already driveled by, as she noticed, when she looked at the position of the sun hanging low on the sky. From their position she could already see the town spreading along the coastline. Once it had been a soldier camp but over the years fishers and farmers had settled down together with the soldiers managing the supply to Crystal Island.

Now Gaja was a big town, filled with life. From a few hundreds of meters away, you could still hear the sound of life breathed out by the town, secured by a wooden palisade. She could hear the repeated clangs of the forge covering the lower mix of other sounds.

Soon she would reach the next step on her quest. But the most difficult thing was yet to come. And that was to find someone, who would bring her over the sea to Tsuchimikado.

They entered the town with the driver steering the cart to the stable's at its entrance.

Since no one reached out a hand to help her like she was used to, Mayura hopped off the cart. She was happy to stretch out her limps. Her backside hurt, from sitting on wood, that wasn't padded and had shaken vigorously beneath her backside all the way here.

"What may I call you?" Jinya-sama had approached her again.

She looked for the other nasty looking man, but he seemed to have disappeared rather quickly after the silent ride.

She smiled at the monk, "Mayura."

"Oh, like our Hime-sama," Jinya-sama said with amazement in his voice.

She felt sweat forming on her forehead. Maybe she should have thought about another name. But it was to late for that. She covered her embarrassment with a giggle. "Exactly."

He bowed his head. "Well then, Mayura-sama, it was nice meeting you."

"Eh? Just drop the sama, please." She waved her hand, feeling all the more embarrassed now.

"Since you are honored with the same name like our princess, I will call you like her." He smiled openly at her and said, "Now where do you want to go from here?"

She looked at him. He was a nice man, who helped her once. Maybe she could trust him. Maybe he knew, how she could cross the sea. Leaning forward, she responded in a low voice, "I am heading for Tsuchimikado."

Surprised he blinked his eyes at her. "Why?"

"I can't tell you," she looked down feeling regret at not being able to tell him, "I'm sorry."

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