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 A/N: *caugh* Yeeeaaah... Sorry? For the late update, I mean. Recent reviews reminded me, that there was something I needed to do. XD 

 Well, enjoy the new chapter. Hope, you're still interested. *nervous giggle*  

Chinu – the so called town of warriors was huge. What had started as a camp for bringing the Tsuchimikado warriors back and forth between the Crystal Island and Tsuchimikado as well as serving them as a source of supply, was almost a city on its own, stretching over the eastern coast.

He felt like he rode all day, to finally get here.

Luckily this time, no incident kept him away from his goal. Yet, the sun stood high already. He shouldn't have spend time to devour the breakfast the maiden had left in front of the stables for him. But he hadn't wanted to appear ungrateful. And so he dug into the meal, regaining the last bit of his strength the day before had taken from him. He was still wary about the maiden but he was helpless against her mercy. If she chose to betray him, he had no power against it.

With the hood over his head, Shimon rode into the town of Chinu and made haste to get to the harbor. He didn't want to waste another portion of his time to get to Crystal Island.

Now, he only had to get onto one of the boats that shipped warriors to the battle front. There he would try to get more information on the Crystal and find a way to split it. It sounded easy but Shimon couldn't ignore the fact that the final point in his plan was still blurry. Yet Shimon told himself to believe in his success. A man shall rather be a fool with beliefs than a fool without. Words Seigen-dono had taught.

He couldn't back down for the sake of his family and his country. He wouldn't rest until he reached the goal of his journey.

There was not a thing that men weren't able to destroy or harm. Not even the Crystal could be invulnerable.

Some would may call his act blasphemy. Splitting the Crystal was the same as attacking the source of all life. For Shimon it was the fulfillment of the sacred words of the legend. He didn't want to anger their god, he wanted to help the prophecy to come true, according to its ultimate will.

But he would need to be careful, when he made his research. If someone would find out about his plans, he might be burned at stake, no matter his true identity. Nobody would listen to his arguments if he told them about his point of view. They would still call his plan to be blaspheme and sinful. At the same time, Shimon believed they all had their sins. Only the Crystal should decide about life because it was giving it in the first place. Yet, this didn't count for the enemies of Narukami.

Peace. The very idea seemed to be a dream. For a thousand years people had lived for the Crystal, fought for the Crystal and died for the Crystal. Motivated by their fears, their anger and their hate as well as the belief that if they acted accordingly to the legend, it would one day become true. This – this mission of his was the only way to gain peace.

With these thoughts he fed himself on the courage, he needed to continue with the next of his steps.

Ignoring the hustle around him, he headed directly to the harbor. Beside him he spotted the fisher boats trolling around at bay, collecting their next catches of the day. His eyes travelled along the harbor and found a few big boats. Some of which he assumed to be boats to bring the supply to the camp on Crystal Island and some to transport the soldiers.

He had no idea which was the right one.

Clicking his tongue, he wondered, what he could do now. He hadn't thought about this before.

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