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 A/N: Okay guys, I have a confession to make: This chapter is not proof-read. It's freakishly long (8k) and took me hours on end to write. Call me lazy but I just trust that I don't have that many in it. If you find something, I would be utterly grateful, if you'd make a comment. Anyway, have fun reading as always!^^  

Oh, I almost forgot. This one will be three parts thanks to the length and the wavering lenghts of Shimon and Mayura's paragraphs. The dual structure isn't necessary anymore. :P

He had been stolen from, abducted, he had slept in hay next to horses and then this: He was shipwrecked.

When he had come to his senses, he'd sputtered water. His body jerked from the extreme coughs leaving his lungs. Finally it had calmed down after a while and he had lied back on the sand, regulating his breathing.

In the end he'd found himself on the coast of an isle. And he hadn't had much luck in what an isle it was. It wasn't Crystal Island, not the place he had originally planned to arrive at.

After checking, if everything was in place – at least the leash on his sword hadn't sprung open and only his pack was missing now but he hadn't much left inside it anyway – he had realized his situation. Despite himself he had wanted to punch something. He had no boat, no livestock and no tool to get either one.

At the very beginning of his journey had he failed. All he could do was wait for the search parties to find him, if he wouldn't be starved to death by then or dried up.

What was it that seemed to mess with his plan so vigorously? Was it fate or was it the Crystal itself that hindered him in seeking fulfillment of his quest?

If the Crystal denied him success, how could he even dream about succeeding?

All of these thoughts had tormented him for a while, until he had forced himself to get a grip. This was no situation in which he as a proud prince of Tsuchimikado should waver. He had to act. He had to do something. And so he had planned to search the island for water, for food and hopefully the means to leave this island.

Fortunately he had reached a stream very fast. But he couldn't believe, what he had found there. A girl. A shy girl in clothes of a commoner, backing away from him, when her gaze fell onto his clothes. It was it obvious that she wasn't from Tsuchimikado. And it made him wonder, why she was here on this godforsaken isle.

Like Seigen-dono she didn't match the picture Narukami people were described with either. She had no pointy teeth and judging her scared gasps he figured, she had no shrill voice like a rusty saw. From what he could see, she was pretty. Prettier than average girls. Big, sea blue eyes stared at him in horror, when she had fallen to her butt. Her clothes were wet and clinging to her body, her hair was also wet and plastered to her head. It seemed particular though as it was two colored, a damp darkened blond fading into green. And he had the nagging feeling, that she reminded him of somebody but he couldn't place it.

He had stretched out a hand to help her up and show her, that he meant no harm. Something struck him as odd, when her soft hand touched the palm of his but he could not place it. Instead of thinking too much about it, he turned away after he had helped her to her feet and went to the river to take a sip.

Guarded behind some bushes she had followed him. He felt her gaze on his back, when he bowed down.

"Who are you?" A soft voice asked.

He'd thought, her voice war far off from sounding like a rusty saw. It was more like a melodious harp. He wondered, if it was truly less dangerous though. Finishing drinking first, he made no haste. It gave him time to think about, what to tell her. He couldn't say he was the prince of Tsuchimikado. Letting her think, he was a simple warrior was enough. But if he told her his name would she know?

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