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'Finally!' Shimon thought.

Finally he would reach Crystal Island on which camps of both kingdoms resided, fighting for the sole rule over the isle and the Crystal.

At last he'd reach the end of his quest. He would split the Crystal, end this war and save Chiiko's life.

Finally things were working according to plan.

He didn't even mind the nausea stirring in his stomach as he rowed the boat over the sea. Mayura and the twerp had been both suspicious of him as he insisted on rowing the boat himself but luckily they had stopped prying. It would have been humiliating to admit that he'd feel miserable on a moving object and would be stuck to the railing.

Shimon glanced at them, sitting opposite of him and chatting the travel away.

Her best friend, she had said earlier. While they ate leathery chunks of boar meat he'd figured that perhaps the twerp was the very good friend she had mentioned the evening when they had both confessed their similar goals of their respective journeys. The very good friend who was like a brother to her.

Unless she had more than one male friend...

He had no idea why this was bothering him so much. Yet it did.

Annoyed at himself he clicked his tongue and squeezed his eyes close for a moment, trying to force down the negative sentiment. His spirits had been uplifted since they had finally escaped the vacant isle thanks to the boat. Now they were starting to get ruined because of something Shimon did not understand.

He should be grateful for Rokuro's appearance no matter how unnerving the twerp was. If it hadn't been for him and his boat, Shimon and Mayura would still be stuck on the other isle, trying to craft a raft. If there was one thing he regretted, it was that he could not train Mayura swordsmanship anymore.

When he opened his eyes, he saw her looking at him worried, sending his innards on a somersault.

What was wrong with him? This was not because of his motion sickness.

Somehow she had gained power over him within the few days they'd spent together. He had no idea how but her sea blue eyes could ignite emotions coursing through him, he had never felt before. Barely the idea of saying goodbye to her had pressed his chest in a heavy clutch earlier.

The twerps suggestion had been logical. There was no need to travel together anymore. They did not owe each other. They had not sworn to stick together and he had trained her in swordsmanship like he'd said he would and protected her during their stay on the isle like he had promised. Yet, as he had agreed to the reasonable plan of the twerp a sour taste remained in his mouth.

And then had she said something he had not trusted himself to say, almost demanding them to stay together and he had not been able to deny this idea.

Maybe she was more courageous than him.

Like she was now looking at him with uncovered worry as if she'd sensed his discomfort.

He turned away, stirring his sight towards their destination.

Cliffs towered over the sea on the southern side. It was the perfect spot to avoid warriors spotting them from afar. A secure place shielded from both sides and perfect to tie the boat up at.

Which they did after they finally crossed the narrow sea between the islands.

Ironically it was thanks to two people from Narukami that allowed him, the Prince of Tsuchimikado, for the first time to set a foot on Crystal Island. Maybe it was a sign that people from Narukami and Tsuchimikado could reach high goals, if they worked together.

Breathing in the smell of the salted sea, he felt like he had been here before. Stories and reports about the Island, about the battles and the war had taken his mind often to the island lying in-between both nations. Yet, it felt different as his shoes crunched on the ground of the tiny sand bank in front of the cliff.

Motioning Mayura and her best friend to follow him, he took a path leading away from the steed cliffs slowly rising towards the top.

When they reached the peak he looked over the top. A large grove lay in front of them. Behind it were woods and behind them lay the mountain in which the Crystal rested. Back at home he heard stories how the Crystal had been covered with rock by time, making it the heart of the mountain on Crystal Islands. His father had loved to tell stories like this after dinner.

"I don't see anyone fighting," the twerp said all of a sudden from behind him, "Where are the people?"

Shimon released a heated breath. "Are you a moron? Of course they don't fight everyday. It's a positional war. Neither side wants to leave the Crystal to the hand of the other but if they fought everyday, there wouldn't be enough warriors left to fight in no time. Both sides are more afraid about being unable to fight. You should know that as a 'soldier'," he accentuated the foreign world.

"Of course I did know that," Rokuro mumbled and began whistling.

Shimon blinked wondering why the boy asked such stupid questions, if he knew the answer. He shook his head and let his gaze swipe over the area again, looking for any sign of danger.

When he was satisfied, he formulated the plan he had disguised and changed since the moment he'd left the city of Tsuchimikado behind, "Based on our position, the camp of Tsuchimikado should be in this direction," he pointed towards north-west, "and the camp of Narukami into this direction." He pointed roughly towards east. "If we head straight north, we can reach the Crystal unnoticed. However, we should wait until the sun lowered."

"What are you planning to do at the Crystal anyway?" The twerp asked.

"Split it," Shimon replied.


Shimon whipped around upon the thunderous yell. His first instinct was to push Rokuro away. Fortunately he could stop himself before sending the other guy into a certain death down the cliffs.

Shock raged through Shimon making his heart knock violently against his ribcage. The resonance of the Crystal was strong.

"Sshhhh, Rokuro, somebody might hear you," Mayura hushed, shivering.

"You plan to split the Crystal?" The twerp stared at him wide eyed before his head jerked towards Mayura. "And you support this?"

Shimon and Mayura looked at each other and she nodded.

"Mayura, do you believe it is possible?"

Using the opportunity Shimon let his gaze run over the ground again. There was no sign of anything having been alarmed by the other boy's yell.

From behind him he heard Mayura sigh. He believed she would again say how she did not believe splitting the Crystal to be the solution. She surprised him though. "All I know is that it is not impossible. The prophesy says the Crystal will be split in two halves."

"By a star! Neither of you looks like a star!" The red eyes boy argued.

'Obviously,' Shimon thought bitterly.

Suddenly a soft thud sounded from the right. Shimon swiped around in time to see a blade pointed at Rokuro's throat seemingly out of nowhere. Black hair blazing with violet specks swirled around his form.

Next to him Mayura gasped, and jumped back upon seeing the long haired figure of the Commander of Tsuchimikado.


A/N: I might have gotten a bit more prone to use cliff hangers thanks to "Branches". ':D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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