chapter 4

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I spent another 2 days in hospital before they let me go. Well actually it was more like Melissa telling the hospital that I was to go to my new house and that she will stay with me at all times. So in other words the pups missed me and wanted me home. Derek has stayed with me as much as he can. Bob went to school and told them what has happened and that he is taking time of work to stay with me to make sure I was ok. The lacrosse team comes and sees me to. They where shocked when the found out coach was my uncle but they where happy. So here I am with Derek on the way to my old house. The pack wanted to come but we told them to go to school. When we got there Derek helped me out of the car and into the house but he carried me up the stairs not wanting me to walk to much. When we got to my room it was trashed. There where papers all over the place my bed was up side down and so was my desk. All my clothes where ripped but some of my jackets that where in my wash basket. I looked at my bed side table and nearly broke down. The photo of me, mum, Scott and Melissa all smiling was smashed on my floor. Derek told me it was john who did it. Derek packed up everything that was good to take with us. We also took all of my research that I have done about anything supernatural that I have found so far. I turned towards the window and screamed in surprises. Standing there is peter. Derek spun around ready to attack until he saw it was peter.
"What are you doing here?" Derek asked.
"I came to warn you I just got a call from the police saying john has escaped and that I think john is on his way." With that I paled. But before any of us even move the front door slammed open. 
"Put the bed against the door." So peter and Derek moved my bed.
"We need to leave." Derek said getting all my stuff. "Is this everything?" He asked me.
"Theres a blue box in my mums room under the bed under the floor." I told them.
"You get stiles and his stuff out I will get the box." Peter said jumping out of the window. Just then there was a loud bang on the door.
"Stiles get the hell out of that room and face me." He screamed hitting the door harder.
"I'll be back in a sec." And with that Derek jumped out of the window to put my stuff into the car.
"You stupid kid get out of the room and face me. I think I should put you in your place like I did you stupid, selfish adopted mum." He screamed at me through the door and if possible hitting the door harder. I backed away from the door but then I bumped into something I turned towards them to see Derek looking like he wants to kill john. I grabbed his hand making him look at me. He picked me up carefully and then jumped out of the window being careful when he landed making sure he didn't hurt me. He then ran to the car and put me in next to peter. He then climbed in getting his seat belt on then driving of.
"I got the box for you." Peter said passing it to me.
"Thank you." I then hugged him feeling safe. I fell to sleep on his shoulder.

When I woke up I was in a bed with arms wrapped around me. When I looked up I realized I was in Derek's arms. I carefully got out of his arms and walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I then walked down the stairs carefully but just as I was just under half way down peter was there looking mad. He then picked me up and carried me into the kitchen where everyone else was.
"You are not allowed to walk down the stairs." Peter told me. So I nodded and then smiled at everyone.
"How are you feeling?" Melissa asked as Peter put me down on a seat.
"I'll be ok." I then looked at the box.
"What's in it." Dan asked.
"I don't know." I told them.
"What do you mean you don't know." Derek asked walking into the room.
"Well mum only told me that if I ever left then to make sure I take this box with me but not to let john see it." I told them. I got the box and pulled it closer to me. Taking a deep breath I opened the box carefully. What I saw shocked me. There was money but also letters. I went to the first letter and read it out.

Dear my beautiful son stiles,

If you are reading this then I am dead. Which means that he finally did what he has been threatening to do for years. The truth is you are adopted I don't know if john has told you or not but you should also know that I think he took you from your birth family.

At that we all gasped. He took me from my birth family.

He told me that he found you all alone and that he saved you since it was cold out side. So I agreed to take you in. You where only 4 years old  He left saying he had something to do. I saw him take something out to the bin. I saw a glimpse of something and drew it. As you grew up I watched over you. Then one day john flipped. He gave me a poison that will slowly kill me. So I am going to the hospital to find out what is happening.

I know I'm not your birth mum but I will always love you no matter what. You uncle bobby will look out for you and so will the hales. You will find out later why.

We all looked at them confused but then I saw them with the same face.

I love you stiles. I always will.
Love from, your mum.

By the end of it we all where crying. And then I saw the drawing.
"What's that?" Chris asked.
"Don't know." So I passed it around but when it got to chris he dropped it looking shocked.
"It cant be." He said.

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