chapter 7

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It has been a 2 weeks since the Winchester's moved to beacon hill and it has been hard on all of us. They have been training me with guns which is ok but it is hard on me and the pack. I spend as much time with them as I can. Dean asked me to move in with them so we made a deal I stay with bob monday to Wednesday then Thursday to sunday with the Winchester's but on Sunday night I stay at Derek's and so does the whole pack the pups and the adults. It turns out that the house has mountain ash doors and windows so if the pack want to come in then me or another human in the pack have to open the door. Today im at the Winchester's. Its still weird and I cant call dean and cas dad or pops but they understand. Anyway Lydia has decided to come over because she needs help. When the door went of I ran and answered it. She jumped in my arms asking if we can go to my room. I saw that she was crying so I lead the way. I saw dean and sam look at us with concern. When we got there I sat in my bed and she curled up next to me.
"Mum I need your help." She said sounding small.
"Whats wrong?" I asked in a panic voice.
"I found my mate but I think they hate me I mean they have hurt me in the past." She said starting to cry again.
"Honey if you like the guy give him a second chance you never know he might be sorry." I told her. I think I know who it is but I want her to tell me.
"But im not the only one he hurt he has hurt everyone in the pack." She hugged me tight.
"Look honey. People will always hurt us but when we find that special someone we need to give them a second chance." I told her. I saw her go to talk but I continued. "Der has hurt me In the past but I love him mate or not. We are ment to be together. Yes he might hurt me In the future but I love him no matter what." I saw her stop crying and look at me.
"Thanks mum you are the best." She said.
"Thanks honey. Know who is your mate?" I asked her.
"Peter." She looked down.
"Hey I know he is your mate." She looked at me shocked. "Tell him that you are his mate."
"But what if he doesn't want me." She said.
"He will want you he told me you are his mate but he doesn't know how to tell you because of all the pain he put you through." I told her.
"So your not mad."
"No I still love you and im happy for you pup." I told her.
"Thanks mum." A few minutes later she was a sleep.

Half an hour later dean came in looking at Lydia.
"Is she ok?" He asked worryingly.
"Yeah she just had a hard day." I told him.
"Can she stay." He just nodded his head.
Thats when sam and cas came running into my room waking Lydia up.
"You need to see this know." Sam said. I help Lydia of my bed and gave her my jacket and we followed sam and cas to the car.
"I dont think you should come." Sam said looking at me and Lydia.
"It will be fine." dean said rolling his eyes. So we all got in the car.

When we go to the destination I realized that we where at the old hale house. Me and Lydia looked at each other. Luckily Derek was at the loft. We got out the car and dean gave me a gun so I took it. I kept Lydia behind me so she was safe. We walked to the front door thats when we all saw the symbol.

 We walked to the front door thats when we all saw the symbol

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I got a really bad felling coming from it.
"What is it?" I asked. I saw shocked faces.
"It's the alpha pack symbol." Sam told me.
"Alpha pack." I said. Lydia looked shocked and scared.
"Its a pack full of alphas with a leader who is a demon wolf." Cas told me. I looked at Lydia who was scared.
"What do they want?" I asked.
"We dont know." Sam said. Thats when we heard a howl in the distance.
"Lets get you home." Dean said taking me and Lydia back to ours. While driving home I saw a group of red eyes looking at me.

The next day I went to school to find out there where two new students who are called aiden and Ethan who gave me a bad vibe. That night I went to the Winchester's with the pack and told them about the alpha pack which Derek and Isaac know about. Peter and Lydia walked into the kitchen and was talking for 10 minutes when they came in and said they are now dating and are also mates. Which we all where happy about. Thats when I looked around at my family and was happy with what I saw. Isaac was sat on Scott's knee they have been dating for 4 months. Boyd and Erica where sat next to each other, Alison was sat in between jacksons legs they have been dating for 3 months. Danny is single but is happy. The you have chris sat on his own waiting for marissa to come over after work. Bob is still at work. I am cuddled up to derek. When dean, sam and cas walked in they looked shocked but happy seeing all of us.
"I hope you don't mind but I told my friends about the alpha pack." I told them.
"Its ok we was going to tell them." Dean told us. Later that night the pack left Derek and Isaac left last.
"Bye mum see you soon." Isaac said. But then all our eyes went wide.
"Did he call you mum?" Dean asked coming to the door the others following him.
"Erm yeah I kind of unofficially adopted him." I told them rubbing the back of my neck.
"Why?" Cas asked confused.
"My mum died when I was little and my dad was abusive. When Derek found out he made me move in with him. Later my dad died." He said in a small voice.
"Im sorry." Dean said. They where all giving him looks of sympathy.
"Its ok I have stiles who is like my mum and then Derek as my dad." He said giving them a bright smile.
"You know this is making me a grandpa." Dean said. I saw Isaac's eyes light up.
"Yeah so anytime you want to stay just asked." Cas said with sam nodding along. Derek hugged me and gave me a kiss before they left.
"This is going to make me feel old." Dean complained but he had a smile on his face.
"Well im going to bed old man." I said before running away from him.
"Ok nig wait a minute im not old." Chasing after me around the house. I can hear sam and cas laughing loudly.

Please tell me what you think x

And I have fount a new ship I love.
Its jackan or ethson
Yep jackson and ethan I watched this and squealed really loud my family was like what the hell but they dont get it unlike others.

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