Chapter 2.04.1 ✔

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"For each claw."


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     "They're coming back. So, we don't have much time to talk," Deaton said while grabbing a bottle of what looked en smelled like disinfectant. "What is that?" Scott asked. "Rubbing alcohol. You want it to get infected, do you?" Deaton said. Oh, the sass is strong in this one. Scott shook his head and Deaton cleaned the wound. "You will heal the same, just not as quickly, because of Derek." I was still standing next to the body, examining the cuts, figuring out what or who did this and how they were made.

     "How do you know all this? Actually, how do you know anything?" "Rebekah, can you help me please?" I walked to Deaton without questioning him. He pointed to the tape and I ripped off small pieces so the gauze would stay put. "It's a longer story. What I can tell you is that I know about your kind." I ripped off more tape and I was almost done. "Your kind... I can help. This," Deaton said and looked at the body. "This is something different." "Do you know what did it?" I asked. Deaton shook his head. "But the Argents will. And this is the crucial part, they'll have some kind of record or book. It will have descriptions, histories, notations of all the things they've discovered," Deaton explained. "Like a bestiary," I thought out loud, but before Deaton could answer or say anything else a car stopped outside.

     Scott and I had just hidden ourselves as Chris Argent walked in with some other guy. "I'm starting to think I need to buy a more prominent 'closed' sign," Deaton said and turned around to look at Chris and the guy. But it wasn't just them. Gerard walked in after them. "Hello, Alan," Gerard said. "It's been a while." The tension in the room immediately thickened. I could feel all the different emotions that everyone was feeling in that room and let me tell you, there were a lot.

     Deaton took a few steps back as Gerard got closer. "The last I heard, you had retired." "Last I heard, you followed a code of conduct," Deaton shot back. "If you hadn't noticed, this body is one of ours," Chris said. "I did," Deaton simply said. "I also noticed the gunpowerd residue on his finger tips. So, don't assume I'll be swayed by your philosophy just because I'll answer a few questions." Deaton was having none of their shit and I really wanted to punch one of them. Preferably Gerard.

     "He was only 24," Chris mentioned. "Killers come in all ages," Deaton backfired. "All ages, sizes, and shapes," Gerard said, "It's the last one that concerns us." I shook my head in disbelieve and annoyance. Man, I really hate this guy. "How 'bout you tell us what you found," Chris said, trying to keep it civil. Scott and I looked at each other for a moment and continued listening.

     "See this cut?" Deaton said. I pulled on Scott's sleeve and pointed to the back of my neck, indicating that that was the spot Deaton was talking about. "Precise. Almost surgical. But this isn't the wound that killed him. This had a more interesting purpose." I frowned. What was he talking about? "Relating to the spine." "That's right. Whatever made this cut, it's laced with a paralytic toxin, potent enough to disable all motor functions." So the thing can paralyze people, great. "These are the cause of death. Notice the patterns on each side," Deaton said and I raised my hand to show Scott I knew what he meant, but the Argents figured it out as well. "Five for each finger," Chris said but Gerard cut him off quickly. "Each claw."

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