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You flip another page in your book, fingers elegantly sliding over the slightly crinkled paper. Music, your favorite kind, played from the speaker that set in the small but decent kitchen. You cross one leg over the other, sipping at the steaming tea in the mug your husband had gotten you for your birthday.

Everything was calm and peaceful. Just the way you like it. Plus, you had cleaned the whole house earlier so there was no need to worry about things being out of place when your husband gets home. When did he get home? In a few days from now. His boss told him to take a three day trip for work. It gave you a short time to have a life. You had a good book, a warm drink, and a clean house. Everything was perfect.

Until the front door unexpectedly opens and in comes your husband who looked enraged.

Your body tenses and your hand tightens around the handle of your mug when he slams the door closed. Immediately, your eyes dart to the kitchen where the music was playing and you scramble around to turn it off, spilling your tea in the process. The room becomes quiet and the only thing you two can hear is your ragged breathing. Mark, your husband, looks down at the spilled tea and clenches his fists. You brace for impact, holding your head down and curling your arms up to your chest. The air is knocked out of your lungs when his fist goes flying into your stomach. You collapse to the hardwood floor of your home, trying to drink in air but unable to do so. If you could plead for his mercy, you would. The lack of air felt like you were suffocating.

Mark towers above you, his soulless eyes watching your struggling with a malicious smile. With adrenaline running through your body, you clench a fist right back at him. His face contorts into something of a confused child. Taking his moment of weakness to your advantage, you crack your fist up into his crotch and he goes tumbling down, holding the same spot you had just landed a hard blow to. You scurry off the floor as fast as you can before running for the front door. After getting through the door while panicking the whole time, you waste no time speeding down the sidewalk that was only lit up by the moon high in the sky.

You didn't know where you were going but anywhere else but home was a better place. Eventually, your legs become tired and you're out of breath yet again. You come to a complete stop and with heavy eyes, the knowledge that your husband probably didn't care you were gone, you fall to your knees. The last thing you see is the headlights of a car before passing out.


"Is she dead?" The voice of a teenage girl rings throughout the almost deadly silent room.

"No, Miko! She's unconscious." Another voice belonging to a teenage boy fusses in a whisper.

"Optimus, why did you even bring her here?" A gruff voice complains, almost naggingly.

"I could not just leave her out there. As you see, I found her unconscious on the sidewalk. You would do the same." The soothing, more stern voice of them all is quick to correct.

In an instant, you come sharply sitting up with a heavy gasp, almost like coming out of water or a nightmare where you couldn't breathe. A short, not very long lived shriek echoes through the room. You're very surprised to see a bunch of robot-like creatures and a few humans surrounding you. They were like hawks watching your every move. It unnerved you; made you feel helpless.

"Is she a zombie?" The girl with pink hair leans on close to your face, gazing at you with curious eyes.

"Miko, if she was a zombie, she would have tried eating you by now." The green robot pipes up, picking up the girl by the back of her shirt and placing her tiny body on his shoulder.

You shrink away from intimidation and everyone except the tallest robot of them all steps back to give you room. He bends down to try and meet your height, his bright blue eyes holding so much kindness you didn't know how to handle it. On one hand, you wanted to break loose from your shell and cry. On the other hand, you wanted to continue to scoot away in total fear. So, you decide to do both. Crystal clear tears cascade down your reddened cheeks, using your hands to slide yourself away from them all. Even grown women get afraid sometimes.

Instead of the kind eyes of the robot becoming harsh like your husbands would, his stay soft and understanding towards you. It was like he cared for you. Why did he? You have major trust issues and you're definitely having some trouble trusting them all.

"We will not harm you. I promise." He tries to coax you back, holding down his large silver hand for you to step on.

You shakily hold up your trembling hands and sign out the words: "You promise not to hurt me?"

They all look at you like your some kind of freak. That is, everyone except the same caring robot that kept trying to pull you out of your shell. He seemed to understand you all too well. You kind of liked it. Besides the fact that he was a huge metal creature that could potentially crush you beneath his foot.

"Wait, can you not talk?" One of the robots, his colors consisting of orange and white, finally speaks up.

You frown deeply, unable to keep your lips from curving downwards. You quickly wipe away the remaining tears with the backs of your hands, sniffling from time to time. He must have took that as a yes because he quickly began to type away at his huge computer filled with a lot of code about Earth, its inhabitants, and the Decepticons.

"Optimus, get ready to learn sign language. If you really want to understand this human, better prepare yourself. All of you, in fact." The grumpy bot rolls his eyes at everyone.

"Actually, I already know a little bit of it. She said something along the lines of, 'You promise not to hurt me?'" One of the humans, a young boy with glasses and a sweet looking face speaks up.

You give a nod towards the boy for his help, getting a nod and smile back. The robot standing behind him, one colored with yellow and black, pats his head gently with his metal finger, the sweet sounding beeps following after. The boy swats his finger away with a laugh. This made you realize that none of them meant any harm. None whatsoever.

You reach out and hesitantly grab onto one of the tall robots fingers to hoist yourself up onto his surprisingly warm hand. You guess it was heated because he was alive. When you get to the center of his silver colored palm, your stomach drops when you're lifted high into the air, right in front of his oddly handsome face. His lips curl into an almost unnoticeable smile before disappearing as fast as it came. In his optics, you looked so broken and beaten. Mentally and physically. Seeing you trust someone made his spark jump in a good way for the very first time.

You felt your heart do the same thing against your chest. It was either a warm, gushy feeling or a feeling that was telling you to get away.

"I will make sure everything will make sense. Just give me a few moments of your time."


I feel like this could have been better but mehhhh. I hope you liked it.

As you can see, this book will be a little mature. I'll still add some humor because no one likes serious all the time, but there's a warning.

By the way, this book is for one of my favorite authors and very best friends on Wattpad. Here you go OptimusIsAWaffle . All for you! :>

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