*Chapter 1 • My charge, my friend*

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"Do you have a home? Do you like heavy metal? What's your name? How old are you? Are you even listening to me?"

You flick a strand of hair away from your nose and ignore Miko with eyes narrowed at the blank Tv. It's one thing to be curious and want to know, but she just doesn't know when to stop. You just woke up from being rescued by the leader of the Autobots. You don't want to be immediately bombarded with random questions when you're still trying to grasp onto the concept of other beings out in the universe, along with other planets like Cybertron. Miko decides to give up and slump over to Raf who was having a small conversation with his best Autobot friend in crime.

"Guys, she isn't telling me anything. Maybe she doesn't like me..." She trails off, rubbing her chin.

"Miko, she can't exactly communicate like you expect her to. Plus, she's reacting like any other human would. Maybe she's in denial or just in shock. I don't know." Raf pushes up his glasses, both him and Bee looking over to you. "You should give her space. It seems like she only trusts Optimus after all, and maybe not even that."

You pull your feet onto the couch and bring your knees to your slowly rising chest, staring down at your lap like it was the most interesting you had ever laid your eyes on. Everything was too much to take in all at once. If not for Optimus letting you take short moments to comprehend the little bits of information at a time, you would be a wreck. Not only did that make you feel overworked, but so did the knowledge of, hey, you're now going to be tracked down by the Decepticons and their ruthless leader, Megatron. How much bigger could the world get?

"I brought something for you."

You turn your head to see the teenage boy from earlier walking up with a notebook and pencil in his hands. His sits on the farthest end on the couch away from you, holding out the notebook and pencil out to you. You slowly reach out a hand and slip it from his fingers with thankful eyes.

"I'm Jack by the way. Nice to see a new face around here. I'm sorry for Miko. She can be a hand full." Jack rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

You flip open the notebook and come to the conclusion that this was his math notebook for school. Almost every page was filled with some kind of math problem or a doodle from when he got bored. When you actually find a page that wasn't filled to the brim with equations, you write down a quick thank you and send him a soft smile.

"You're welcome. That was the only notebook I had. Sorry about all that." He apologizes again, this time his cheeks flushing pink.

Your eyes trail over to Miko who was quite dramatically explaining something to the green robot who's name you learned was Bulkhead. Those two seemed to be very close. It made you feel warm. Jack watches you write down a bunch of answers to her questions she had shoved at you just a moment before, tongue pressed to the corner of your upper lip in concentration. You rip out the page and slip off the couch to hand it over to Miko. When she sees you coming her eyes widen while she repeated tapped at Bulkhead who tried taming her wild nature. You hold out the note to her with a wobbly hand and unsteady feet, still trying to keep a friendly attitude. It was hard being nice to people you didn't trust. She snatches the paper from your hand, eagerly reading the paper. Even Bulkhead was curious enough to lean over her shoulder and catch a glimpse at your note.

'To answer your questions; yes, I have a home, heavy metal is okay, my name is (Y/n), I'm twenty three, and I was listening. Sorry for being rude, M.'

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