*Chapter 6 • That cozy feeling*

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Your fingers glide over the smooth, warm metal on Optimus' face, never disconnecting the line of sight you had locked with his optics. The moment felt so surreal, so meant for you two. Bombs could be going off in the background and all you would be able to do is admire how he is, how he looks at you.

While traveling out of the main part of the base, you didn't hear the cries of your fellow humans calling out and wanting answers. You just slipped onto the hand that was offered and never said a word, not even looking back once. Optimus brought you to his berthroom, the room no one dared to enter for the sake of respect.

A heavy feeling coiled up in your gut when Optimus didn't say anything the whole time, even now. His lips were sealed shut. He looked so perplexed, so upset in many ways you couldn't even describe. It looked like he was having an internal war with himself, and in all honesty, you were too. Is it normal?

No. It's not.

"I hope you can forgive me." You murmur with shaky breaths, clamping your eyes shut to keep the tears away.

Your hand moves away from his face. In the moment, you don't feel worthy to even look at him. He's so kind and gentle, better than any human you had ever met in the past. You may be placed on his shoulder but it definitely doesn't feel earned. It definitely doesn't help that he just won't say a word, not a thing. Yet again, he doesn't have to. His optics do it for him.

"I understand. You can tell us - me when you're ready, or not at all. That is your choice to make." Optimus runs his fingertip over your tear stained cheek.

You tremble at his deep voice that was laced with all the positive. Understanding, compassion, comfort. Either way, with his voice rolling out the nerves bundling up in your stomach and his digit sliding over your cheek to wipe away the tears, that cozy feeling bleeds through your ribcage once again.

"I want to come clean to you. Just you."


After Bumblebee had watched you and Optimus stroll from the room, avoiding the fact that you two had connected, the scout lets out a shrill scream of some sort, hands flying to his helm in amazement.

"I know, Bee. We feel the same way." Raf presses a palm to his forehead.

"Could someone tell me what just happened?" Arcee crosses her arms over her chest, scowling at no one in particular.

"That's the thing. We don't know what happened." Ratchet sighs along with everyone else.

"I think it's quite obvious," Miko pipes up. "They're in love. Totally. Did you not see the way they looked at each other? I need to draw fan-art right now!"


I'm so fragging sorry for the short chapter. I wasn't feeling it today but felt guilty for not giving anything.

Next chapter, whenever it comes out, will be more 'con filled. Actually, most of the chapter will be based on them. So ye.


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