*Chapter 7 • Only my friend*

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"So, yet again, you have failed me Starscream."

A deep frown, or maybe even an evil scowl, plasters to the warlord's face at the seeker on his knees begging for mercy before him. How pitiful.

"Master! Please forgive me for my failure!" Starscream pleads, servos clasped together and head down to the ground.

"I have forgiven you way too many times to count. This time is not one of them." The blood colored optics of Megatron deepen with hatred for his second in command.

Before the seeker can continue to squabble for his master's mercy once more, Knockout walks into the room with Soundwave by his side. His lips tip into a cheeky grin when seeing Starscream on his knees and whimpering like a sparkling when they don't get what they want. Soundwave ignores the commotion and walks over to the abandoned computer where he types away, bringing up files and codes for his leader to see.

"Lord Megatron, I have some news that will cheer you up." Knockout sets his servos on his hips.

"Out with it then! I have business to attend to." The Decepticon leader glares down at Starscream who flinches under his harsh optics.

"Remember that girl Starscream was meant to retrieve? Well, good news, Soundwave found files about her in the military database. Capturing her should be easier with all this information at our fingertips." Knockout points to the computer where Soundwave was previously pulling up information on you.

"Confirmation; (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)." Soundwave splutters before leaving the room, going back to his quarters where he would continue his work.

"Why are you telling me this? Haven't we done this with the three other humans?" Megatron directs his gaze over to the computer.

"We tried but it seems that the Autobots put some sort of encrypted code on their files. Soundwave tried breaking the codes but failed. Luckily for us, they haven't done it to the newest one yet. Let's take this opportunity while it lasts." Knockout tilts his head, watching intently as his leader scans over the computer with a sinister smirk.

"Very well. Make haste and go over it all. Then we will form a plan to capture the human. This time," Megatron sneers down at Starscream. "No one will fail."

"As of now, the fleshy is still in the Autobot base seeing as we can't pick up her signature. At some point, she has to leave." The Aston Martin rolls his optics at Starscream's whining.

"Soundwave will collect the girl. He won't fail me unlike you and Starscream have both done. Now leave. I have unfinished business." The warlord hisses at the cherry colored medic.

Knockout gives a curt nod before leaving the room in haste, not wanting to be near the scene as Starscream is tortured for punishment. As the metal door closes behind him, he grinds his dentas together at the bloodcurdling scream that echoed from the seeker inside.


You bump shoulders with Miko as both of you race to the death, lips parted and eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Raf and Jack cheer you both on, Raf on your side and Jack on Miko's. Bee and Bulkhead lurked around from the sidelines, cheering both of you on as well. Right before Miko passes the finish line, you speed past her and win the game.

"Aw, what?! I fragging lost!" Miko shrieks, throwing the controller down like a sore loser.

"Hey, whoa, watch the language." Bulkhead scolds his fiery pink-haired friend. "Where did you even learn that?" She rolls her eyes with attitude and huffs like a brat. Jack snickers at her.

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