*Chapter 2 • The way he is*

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OptimusIsAWaffle, are you feeling it Mr. Krabs? You will be by the end of this chapter. All of you will. ;)

Feeling what? The urge to cry like the fangirl you are.


The rest of the night was a blur after you pressed a kiss to Optimus' cheek. All you could do was watch his face as he spoke to the others, when he blinked oh so gracefully, when one of the team members cracked an awful joke and got him to smile without knowing it. Too often, Optimus would catch you staring at him with glazed, content filled eyes. As soon as you noticed his big blue optics were on you, you would quickly look away and clear your throat, trying to act like nothing had happened.

Even if Optimus knew that you liked looking at him. It was pretty obvious how you gawked at his handsome face. Metal or not metal, any woman would find him attractive. Especially you.

Now you're waking up in the middle of the night, not knowing where you're at. You definitely were not at home, where you should be with Mark, trying to get on his good side again. He is your husband after all. When you push yourself up with your palms, your front line of sight is hit with the color red and blue. Lifting your sleepy, blurry eyes, the bright blue light from Optimus' optics blind you until your eyes adjust to their light and the darkness surrounding you. He was just staring up at the ceiling, his face holding no emotion at all. You take in the appearances of the room you're in, realizing it's his room and you were sleeping on top of his chassis while he laid in his berth. You didn't know if you found it embarrassing or kind that he let you sleep with him. In any case, if you had a choice, you would have slept on the yellow couch.

You bite your bottom lip and tap his warmed chest softly, getting his starry-like optics to direct towards down at your drowsy feeling body. You expected him to just ignore you all together but his lips tip into a smile at you for a second, it leaving quickly. If it was even possible, his optics got brighter and joyous, like he was overjoyed to see you inspecting him. Your heart starts to race at the way he's looking at you. So tender on your soft skin, like he loved every part of you.

"I hope I didn't wake you." His voice cuts through the comfortable silence, though he was very quiet. You guessed he didn't want to wake the others.

No matter how many times you hear his voice, you just can't get tired of it. There were so many things about it that just made you melt on the spot. How deep and smooth it was, not like sandpaper, but if you had to describe his voice with something, you would go with milk chocolate. Not only did you love the sound, but you love the way it fits him and his sincere personality. If you wanted to, you could go on for hours just thinking about how satisfying it is to listen to him speak.

You go sliding down the metal of his chest and into his hand, or as Ratchet calls it, his servo, seeing that he had sat up so looking at you wouldn't be so awkward. You cross your legs and hug his offered thumb, enjoying his company as always. Just in the few moments of being around him, all the doubt you carried had faded away like white noise. He made you feel safe, like if anyone or anything was to harm you, he would pitch a huge fit just for your protection. That's the type of leader he is. He cares more for others than himself.

"I have a proposal," he catches your attention. "I have someone who could help you more than I ever could with your current home predicament. Though he may be a bit loud and obnoxious at times, he means well."

You loosen your grip on his thumb, staring up at him with a frantic look plastered to your paper white skin. New people? Again? Other people is the last thing you need. You just got used to Optimus and part of his team. Plus, this was a male your leader friend was talking about. Mark ruined you on grown men. You can't trust them. None of them.

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