*Chapter 4 • Throw away the key*

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You step out of Bee and shut the door while you frowned like it had been seared into your skin. You don't spare a glance back at the scout and walk up the path to your front door, slipping back inside like you had never left in the first place.

When the door closes, you shuffle to the window and peek out through the curtains, watching as Bee turns around and heads back for the base, throwing dust up behind him like he was frustrated. He probably was. You hang your head and remind yourself not to break down on the spot. You've only known all of them for at least two days. Somehow, even if you keep telling yourself that, you keep seeing yourself laughing with Jack, Miko and Raf. Every time you close your eyes for too long, the beautiful blue optics of Optimus is there to remind you of how you screamed at him.

Caught up with your thoughts, you didn't hear Mark enter the room, his eyes pinned to your back.

"So you finally decided to come back after two days of being gone?" He speaks up, making you flinch and turn around to face him.

You cower down under his gaze and silently, mentally crying for help. It was always a bad idea coming back to the house when you knew what waited for you. But where else could you have gone? He's your husband, the man you gave your life and soul to. It was all perfect at first. Not anymore.

Back then when you and Mark first got together, all you could think about was him. Each passing second, your mind was thinking about him and the next time you would be able to press kisses to his face. Now you can't get your mind off of a certain mech who gave you freedom, and those optics that made you get goosebumps every time.

"Who were you with?" Mark asks calmly. A little too calmly.

You caution yourself and take a step back, arms hugging around your waist where he punched you last time. It was still dark purple, not even healing yet. If he was to punch you a second time, it could potentially leave you in serious condition. Your heart speeds up when he takes a huge step towards you, cornering you into the wall where you couldn't get away. He traps you between the wall and his arms, peering into your face. Tears blur your sight so you close your eyes all together, waiting for the agonizing beating.

"Even if you could have been cheating on me, I missed you..." He whispers against your lips that was nearly inches apart.

Cornered and upset, you shove him away as hard as you can, letting the tears freely fall from your eyes and cascade down your reddened cheeks. He has no right to hit you like he did then expect a kiss, or anything more, from you. If anything, you should punch him in the crotch again. He deserves everything he has coming to him. He stumbles back from your push and you run past him, down the hallway, and slam the guest bedroom door closed, locking it after.

You back yourself up, darkness consuming your small, fragile body as you slide down the wooden wall and sob, pulling your arms over the back of your skull and crying for everything that had happened for the past few years. The miscarriage, the beatings, the way you spoke to your new friends.

I need help. Someone please help me. Hear my silent cry.


"Why would you let her go like that?" Miko shrieks at Optimus, waving her hands around like a lunatic. "We should have gotten answers. We should have!"

"Miko, watch yourself." Jack warns.

Optimus breaths out and takes Miko's words to spark, clenching and unclenching his servos in restlessness. Right when Miko is about to spout off something else, Bulkhead shakes his head, telling her to keep quiet. Raf sinks into the ugly yellow couch, frowning but hiding it with his arm. Jack didn't really know what to do but keep Miko out of trouble.

"I have no doubt she will end up coming back. Whether she knows it or not, she cannot hide forever." Optimus hums and casts his optics down to the spot where you stormed off.

"No offense Optimus, but is that what's going to happen, or what you want to happen? Don't think we haven't noticed your fondness to her." Ratchet crosses his arms, deadly serious. Everyone else, especially Arcee, agrees with some kind of uncomfortable movement.

"I will admit, I have taken a liking to (Y/n). Though, I do not know why. Maybe I feel pity for her." The Prime admits with hesitation, almost like he didn't believe the words he was saying. Or more like, he wanted to say something more.

"Maybe you can relate with her and that's what brings you together." Raf stands from the couch and walks over, looking hurt from the whole ordeal.

"What?" Miko quirks an eyebrow, along with everyone else. Even Optimus.

"You two may have had different bad experiences, but they're all horrible nonetheless. Optimus, you lost your whole planet. Her whole family is dead, including the baby, her child, she never even got to meet. You don't know the pain of losing a child, and she doesn't know the pain of losing her planet, yet you still comfort each other the best you can. You have your reasons for being so stern and careful all the time, building up your walls so you won't suffer when things go wrong. Her barrier is the voice she refuses to use. It makes her feel like she has control. She made the choice to zip her lips and throw away the key. Just like you refuse to smile." Raf leans on the railing, ignoring the perplexed stares and continuing to make his point.

"I'm sure none of you have noticed this but don't you think she acts immature for her age? I know I can't be the only one. It seems like her home life is rough, seeing as the first time she saw us, she was so untrusting. Abused people tend to be a bit far back on the mature scale. I can't assume anything, you know that, but I'm thinking she might be abused now like she was when she was younger. It said it in the files. Even back then, her home life was more than rough. Another thing that connects you both, Optimus, is that she's untrusting and you trust too easily. It's like you two are made to be. You're her other half and she is yours." Raf finishes, staring up at the Prime who looked conflicted, startled and convinced at the same time.

Optimus bends down to Raf's level and gives a graceful nod, one in which Raf returns with a smile.

"Thank you for opening my optics, Raf. I see things differently now and will know how to handle her next outburst if it comes to that point. I have many things I need to discuss with her now." His voice cracks at the end of his sentence, as if he was so affected he wanted to burst. It made so much sense. He felt like a fool for not noticing it sooner.

"It's always a pleasure to help." Raf grins from ear to ear.


This chapter suuuuuCked. But next chapter will be fine as frick because I'm adding some Decepticon action. ; )

By the way, to answer all of the questions I've got asking how old I am because of my writing skills (which I have none), I'm 15. Now then. You can stop asking.

P.S. If the story is feeling too rushed, let me know. I'll improve it some. Thanks!

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