*Chapter 5 • Connected sparks*

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Since the two other chapters are so short, here's a longer, more drama filled, fluffy chapter for you guys. :D


"Lord Megatron, I have some news I think you may like."

Starscream, the second in command, walks into his masters chambers with the soft clicks of his stilettos. The blood red eyes of Megatron flicker with annoyance but curiosity all at the same time. His long, claw-like finger tap in a rhythm against his throne chair.

"What is it?" Megatron spits out, obviously already tired of Starscream's presence.

"Soundwave was digging around and he found out that yet another human has been added to the Autobot collection. Seems it's a grown woman this time. Not a child. Good thing is, she isn't under any protection as we speak."

With a sinister curl of his lips and wild look in his eyes, Megatron stands from his throne. Starscream gulps and cowers down under the evil eyes of the Decepticon leader.

"Then go and retrieve her. Do not fail me, Starscream."


It was early in the morning, around seven when you heard the front door open then close. You guessed it was Mark going to look for a new job since he got fired from his last one. When you knew everything was clear, you slip out from the room and down the hallway to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, all you saw was someone who needed help.

Your eyes were bloodshot from the crying, tear stains littered your cheeks, blood ran down one side of your lip when you bit the soft skin too hard. Your fingertips brush over the dark circles that was under your eyes, frowning deeply at how awful you looked. After splashing some water from the sink over your face to clean up your pale skin, a knock on the door makes you jump. Quickly drying off your face with a clean towel, you run down the hallway and to the door in a hurry. When swinging it open, you see Raf standing there with a cheeky smile.

"Hello, (Y/n)!" He greets, pushing up his red glasses that wanted to fall down his nose.

A motherly feeling spreads through your chest and you get down on your knees to match his height. Behind Raf was Bee who waited in your drive way like a normal car, yet you were all too sure that he was watching everything. The scout had to keep an optic on his human at all times, including you. Since that night when Bee dropped you off, all he was able to think about was how you cried the whole way home. Of course, Bee went directly back to the base and told everything to the Autobot leader himself.
Optimus couldn't say he was happy to hear that you were in tears the whole way home, and even worse, probably about how you had yelled at him. His spark sank when he found out you were broken because of him.

"Look, I have a proposal," Raf starts, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "The others told me not to try and convince you but you need to know what's going on." His adorable eyes shine at you, his lips still tipped into the smallest smile.

You lift a brow at him, knowing exactly where he was about to go. His small hands grab onto yours and his fingers intertwine against yours. In that moment, he felt the son or daughter you never got to meet. Raf is the most intelligent kid you've ever met, and it would be a lie if you said that you didn't care for him, along with Miko and Jack.

"Optimus is a wreck." He puts in bluntly, looking down at his hands that was connected to yours. "Most of the time, he's off in his berthroom thinking about you. I may or may not have given him an ear full yesterday. The only time he snaps out of his trance is when Ratchet says something about the Decepticons."

Optimus? Worrying for me?

"You have to come back!" Raf exclaims, pulling his hands from yours and backing away towards Bee like he was motioning you over with him. "If you don't come out here, then Bee and I will just wait here until you do."

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