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My feet rested up on his desk. A small pout formed on my face as I watched him pace back and forth.

"This is your fault."

I scoffed, "Excuse you? My fault?"

"Did I stutter?" The ability user snapped at me. "I specifically told you we needed a hostage."

Putting my feet down, I slammed my hands down on the wooden desk that has broken four times in the past twenty minutes. "That didn't give you the right to kill everyone else!"

"You've never listened to me and it hasn't changed since your promotion." The pale man growled.

I broke through the desk. "Listen to me, you son of a bitch-!"

My boyfriend grabbed my chin and yanked me through the smashed wood to pull me into him. "No, you're going to listen to me, sweetheart, I-"

"Actually," That voice caused him to release me, "you both are going to listen to me."Mori stood in the office doorway. "Three days suspension- both of you. Get out of my sight." The head of Port Mafia let out a low warning tone.

I pushed my way past both of them on my way out of the office that Akutagawa and I shared. Some newer subordinates looked away in fear. I knew Akutagawa couldn't be that far behind me, though he always moved very silently.

The blood pumping through my veins boiled just thinking that Akutagawa had the nerve to blame me for this. My fists clenched as I finally exited the building. Kicking at the building, I left a small dent in the bricks. I buried my hands in my pockets, huffed, and went back to our shared apartment.

My feet were hanging over the top of the couch as I was changing the color of various things on our coffee table. The door opened not even five minutes after I got comfy in that position.

"I guess I should thank you." I stated dryly.

"I've learned when you're being sarcastic, Ali." Akutagawa huffed, "Just shut up. I don't want to deal with it."

I glared at his legs as they passed by, "I was being serious, dipshit."

He stopped mid-stride. "At least sit properly if you're going to have a conversation."

"No." I changed the color of the floor to red.

"Speak, Ali." Akutagawa was getting impatient.

I sat up straight, "You just told me to shut up. Make up your damn mind."

The ravenette hung his head. "Can you just explain why you should be thanking me?" A small cough escaped his lips.

"I should be thanking you because now we get three days vacation." I stood, "If I wasn't pissed at you for blaming me for this, maybe we could have done something fun. It's not often that a Port Mafia executive gets a break. But, no you blamed me for defending myself." I flipped him off and kept walking. His cold hand latched onto my wrist. I whipped around to face him. "Do you have a death wish?!"

"Defend yourself?"

"I was attacked by that asshole from behind while dealing with a couple other people." I growled, "I got scared and accidentally killed him. Not that you noticed. No, you were too busy doing whatever the hell you wanted like always!" I ripped my hand out of his grasp. "I'll be in the study when you want to apologize."

The study was the second largest room in the apartment besides the bedroom. Closing the dark red curtain and turning on the reading lamp, the room had a warm glow to it. I knelt down on the soft carpet and looked over my father's old sailing routes. The maps were worn and a little tattered, but the idea was still there. My index finger trailed lightly over the arrows. I hovered over the area where someone last had contact with him before Fitz got to him.

Hoisting myself off of the floor, I scanned the library until I found a book on Russia. I flopped down in the black leather chair and began reading.

I was lulled awake by someone lifting me up.

"Put me down..." I mumbled. "I'm mad at you..."

"You need your beauty rest." Akutagawa stated quietly. "We're going out tomorrow."

"I'm always," a yawn cut me off, "hot as fuck." I was gently placed on the bed and I cuddled up with a pillow.

"I know, Kitten, I know." Akutagawa got into bed as well.

When I woke up in the morning, I slapped Akutagawa's arm. Rashomon tied my two hands together in response.

"What now?" Akutagawa spat without even opening his eyes.

"Why do you always do cute shit when I'm half asleep so that in the morning I can't remember if it actually happened or not?" I tried to break my hands free.

A long sigh left Akutagawa's mouth before he opened his eyes. "I chose the most annoying woman in all of Yokohama to spend the majority of my time with..."

"You're no ray of sunshine either." I grumbled.

"Good." Was all he had to say back. Rashomon let go of me as he got out of bed.

"Most annoying?" I mumbled to myself. "You know, if you think I'm so annoying I know someone else who-" Rashomon wrapped around my waist and pulled me over to Akutagawa.

"Don't." He said between gritted teeth.

"Would love my-"

"Aliceina." He warned.


Akutagawa's sculpted face was mere centimeters from my own. "Care to finish that thought?"

I smirked, "Nah." My lips briefly met his.

Rashomon immediately released me as Akutagawa turned away from me while covering the lower half of his face. I smiled victoriously.

"Get ready, we're going to Yokohama's Art Museum." He fumbled through the dresser drawers.

I kissed his cheek happily and went off to the bathroom to make myself look presentable. 

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