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"I-I didn't say anything because she hates me. So, she doesn't even matter." I rested my head on Akutagawa's shoulder since he was still kneeling down next to me. "Fitz wants me to go back and take the throne."

"But why?" Akutagawa asked.

"So I could marry him and he can take the throne." I sighed. "He'll be back for me..." I lay back down on the couch. "I'll fill in the blanks tomorrow. I need to rest."

Voices and footsteps entered my ears, but none of it registered properly. Mentally, emotionally, and for some reason physically I was too tired to deal with anything else. Akutagawa's light footsteps made their way closer to my limp body. I slung my arm over my face partially out of embarrassment. Without an exchange of words, he pulled me up into his lap and rested his head on my shoulder. His fingers skillfully untied the corset.

"Aku... what are you doing?"

"You're not sleeping in this thing."

A smirk made it's way to my face. "I thought you liked the dress."

"I also like my jacket. That doesn't mean it's comfortable to sleep in." Akutagawa stated as if it was obvious. When he was done untying it, he took my left hand and placed it over my chest. "Hold." He commanded while standing and holding out his hand for my free one. "Your head should feel better in the morning."

Once we got to our bedroom, the two of us changed into comfy clothes and crawled into bed.

"Babe?" I shifted under his hold.

"Mm?" He grunted as a response.

"I know you're mad about-"

"Goodnight, Aliceina."

Puffing out my cheeks, I rolled over to face him. "Don't you goodnight, Aliceina me. You have such a bad habit of cutting me off." I squeezed my eyes shut again to try and relieve the pain. "Just- I'm not going to England and I'm not marrying Fitz. I hate him and my mother."

"I know, Kitten. Now get some sleep." He mumbled still a little disgruntled.

The sound of the blinds being pulled back woke me up. All I could see was Akutagawa's slim silhouette in front of our balcony.

"For the love of my beauty sleep, close the blinds." I grumbled.

"Do you want that dance I owe you or not?"

I jumped out of the bed and ran into him, hugging the man. "I get my dance?!" My cheeks already began to hurt from the smile on my face.

With arm around my waist, his other was on the doorknob. Akutagawa pushed the door opened and guided me outside. The cool morning air refreshed my skin as he took my hand in his and keep his other arm around my waist. Our bodies swayed to an imaginary beat.

"I'll never let him have you." Akutagawa mumbled with his lips lightly brushing up against my temple.

"I expect nothing less from you." I almost let out a chuckle. "I'm really not in the mood to go back to work."

Akutagawa spun me around and pulled my back into his chest. "We have to report to Mori as soon as we get in." He stated before pressing an open mouth kiss on my neck.

I let my eyes close as we continued to sway. A car door closing caused me to open my eyes, pull away from him, and look over the balcony. "It's a Mafia van." I stated.

Akutagawa nodded and we went back inside to change before they made it up to our suite. He was down making tea while I was still brushing my hair when there was a knock on the door.

"Chu-chan." I nodded as I made my way down the stairs into the living room.

"Morning, Ali." He nodded back. "I know you two don't need one, but under Mori's orders I'm here as an escort to the office." Chuuya handed me an apple and stood. "Let's go." As the three of us were walking Chuuya was giving me all sorts of rules. "Everything you know about The Guild is now considered classified information and is only to be shared with Mori and any other executive of his choosing. Neither of you are allowed to be alone until we get a hold on this situation. Black Lizard will be your personal bodyguards if you want to go somewhere. Higuchi will also resume her position as your bodyguard, Akutagawa."

"We don't need to be protected as if we're some weak little children!" Akutagawa barked. "Ali and I can handle our own against any attack those pathetic Guild members throw at us." Akutagawa sat back, "All this extra protection is unnecessary."

Chuuya shrugged nonchalantly. "Boss's orders. Take it up with him."

Silence fell over all of us in the vehicle. The only sounds were the crunch of me biting into the apple. Akutagawa and I went straight to Mori when we entered headquarters.

"Aliceina, I hear Fitzgerald hit you pretty hard yesterday. Are you feeling better?" Mori had his has folded on his desk.

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

"That's good to hear." He gestured to the chairs. "Have a seat, we have a lot to discuss."

Every question that I answered caused me to dig my nails further into the leather chair. There were names that I recognized like Fitz, Twain, Melville, Alcott, Hawthorne, and Mitchell. Others I've never heard in my life: Poe, Montgomery, Steinbeck, and Lovecraft. I shared what Fitz wanted with me. Akutagawa and Mori came up with suitable matchups for all the abilities that I knew.

I shook my head while the two were discussing tactics. "There has to be something else he wants. Sir, he knows our address. If he really wanted me that badly he would have just kidnapped me."

Mori thought for a second. "I'll keep that in mind, but until we get further intelligence I'm going to leave some of our resources to you both. I can't risk having both of you captured or injured. Obviously you two can handle yourselves, but if the whole Guild comes for you, especially since Fitz knows your address, I know you both can't take all of them at once."

Mori continued with explaining the rules of our lives with security team. Both of us voiced that it's a waste of our resources, but Mori wasn't having any of our protests.

Akutagawa and I left Mori's office in a disgruntled huff. I, of course, was visually annoyed with our boss. Akutagawa merely let out a small cough and led me to our office.

A/n: Forgive me I'm a little late with this update. 

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