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ATTENTION: In this chapter words like this mean they are speaking English.

My feet dragged my body back to my office- well, it's just Akutagawa's office now I suppose considering my rank. My desk was still in there so I sat down and make a list of all the things I'll need for the trip to Great Britain.

"Hey Higuchi-chan!" I said when she answered the phone.

"Oh, Aliceina. I'm assuming you heard about the trip?" Higuchi asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you had any possible questions and answers already written up that we could go over on the plane."

"I have a couple after watching the interview you did with Fitzgerald..." She paused. "We could work together on them if you'd like."

I smiled. "Sure! That sounds good, Higuchi-chan. I'll talk to you soon." After hanging up, I rested my feet up on the desk.

I adjusted the new brace the Doc gave me. It was definitely restricting my blood flow, but the Doc slapped my hand when I tried to adjust it before. A long breath was released through my lips as I felt the blood beginning to pump through my leg again. The top of my lip curled up in disgust at all the paperwork I still had to do before I left to pack.

"Aliceina." Akutagawa cut off my concentration as I finally started to work.

"Hmm?" I raised an eyebrow, but didn't look up. The pen in my hand only stopped briefly before moving again.

Rashomon quickly snatched my pen and paperwork from me. "You're not paying attention." Akutagawa stated.

Standing up awkwardly, I leaned over the desk and snatched them right back. "What, Akutagawa? What do you think is so important?" I dropped my things on my desk. "You have my full goddamn attention."

Akutagawa sighed. "Something is wrong again?"

"Just tell me what you wanted to say before!" I threw my arms up.

"I wanted to learn some English phrases for when we meet your mother." There was a slight hesitation in his voice.

My body relaxed and my gaze softened. "That's a sweet gesture and all, but she's not worth it." I sat back down and went back to work. "If you insist, I'll teach you some while we're packing."

"You really hate her." Akutagawa deadpanned.

"Almost as much as Dazai." I stated back, half distracted. "Listen, if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. That woman hated me but loved my dad. If it wasn't for my dad, she would have aborted me. I'm just a smuggler's kid."

Akutagawa and I finished our work and rushed back to the apartment to pack. His attempt at English made some of my nerves disappear. I was laughing too hard to be worried.

"No, no, Aku, it's please excuse me." I stated the English phrase slower for him. "Try it: please."




"Ex-cuse." I corrected.

"Excuse." He drew out the 'x' sound, but it worked.

I smiled. "Good. Now: me. Make a noise like mhmm to start."

Akutagawa glared at me. "I know, I know. Me."

I clapped my hands together. "Great! Now put it all together. Please excuse me."

"Please ex-cuse me." Akutagawa drew out the 'x' sound again, but he did it.

"Now let's go back to the first phrase." I prompted.

Akutagawa nodded. "He-ello, I am Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Aliceina's h-husband-to-be."

I laughed. "Don't try to sound so posh, it doesn't sound right with a Japanese accent. Just say things with the accent. We won't behead you." I paused. "We're not the French."

"Hello, I am Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Aliceina's husband-to-be." Akutagawa said again with a little more confidence. He furrowed his brow. "What does husband-to-be translate to?"

"Partner." I lied.

A look of disgust crossed his face. "Such a long word for such a simple term."

I shrugged. "English is strange."

"Very." He agreed and went on with his packing.

Smirking to myself I thought, husband-to-be, smooth move Ali. He would have definitely known what fiancé meant. It took him long enough to utter the word girlfriend... I stopped my thoughts to frown. Am I setting up my own goddamn proposal? Uh, I think the fuck not. I pursed my lips and continued packing.

"Kitten..." Akutagawa's voice was softer than usual.

I zipped up my suitcase and looked up at him. "What's up, Aku?"

"Let's go to the tea house before we leave. I want to enjoy my favorite tea before I have to drink earl grey all the time."

I scoffed. "Did you just make a joke about my country?" I playfully shoved his shoulder. "That would be a lot funnier if it wasn't true." I linked our arms. "Let's go."

The tea house was basically empty. It was an hour before closing, but there were still only three other people in there. Akutagawa kept a tight grip on my hand as we seated ourselves at our favorite table. It was in the back corner of the store, but it still had a nice window view of the city sidewalk.

The two of us had a leisurely conversation about what we should do tomorrow before the flight since we both aren't going to work. Akutagawa's eyes never seemed to land on me and his hands fiddled with the tea cup.

"Is there something bothering you?" I placed the teacup down after finishing what was in my cup. "I'm sorry for snapping at you while at work I'm just really not in the mood to go to England and fix everything. Especially with mother, considering when father was murdered she-"

Akutagawa placed a hand over mine. "It's okay Aliceina. Quit rambling." His gaze lingered on our hands. His right was over my left. Akutagawa stood and guided me up. Again, he had a tight grip on my hand as he brought us over to the city green where we often took late night walks if we had time.

I rested my head against his shoulder as we walked. "What's with all this sentimental stuff? We'll be back in Yokohama in no time." I let out a happy sigh. "Not that I'm complaining though. This is nice." Gasping, I ran over to a flowering bush. "Look at these, Aku! They're just beautiful."


"Yeah?" I continued looking over at the flowers.

"Kitten." His voice was the same from the first time he spoke my name.

I began to turn, "wha-" I finished turning and threw my hands over my mouth. "Oh my god!" My voice was muffled.

A/n: I got so excited about this chapter I had to post it early! Btw I'm back!

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