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"If you keep laughing like an idiot, there's no way they'll let us into the museum." Akutagawa crossed his arms over his chest.

I held my breath for a second, "I-I'm sorry. You just look really cute with auburn hair, babe."

"Yeah? I probably look better than you." Akutagawa took my hand as I stood there dumbfounded. He dragged me into the museum.

"I must be rubbing off on you because you're just a dick now." I puffed out my cheeks. "Plus your hair color is boring." I ran my fingers through my hair with my free hand. "Let's go this way first!"

"Of course." Akutagawa let me navigate us through the museum- that is until I brought us to the same room four times by mistake. He nudged me as I was playing musical tiles on the floor. "Stop changing the floor color and look." Akutagawa was almost amused at my behavior.

Looking up, I smiled and rested my head on his arm as we looked at the art on the wall together.

We became that art couple. It felt that way because of our costume change. I traded my Port Mafia outfit for a grey pea coat that went down to my knees with plain black leggings and a navy blue beanie to top it off. Akutagawa was wearing a very long black coat, but not his usual one, and he had glasses on. Plus his hair was my color thanks to my genius idea of not getting arrested today.

I shrugged off my thoughts leaving it with the fact that we couldn't blend in even if we tried. We weren't left in peace for very long: my phone began to vibrate.

"Hello?" I answered while dragging Akutagawa out of the room we were in to a location where I could be on my phone.

"Three days suspension, huh?"

"Nii-san, if this isn't important business I'd like to enjoy my days off." I huffed into the receiver.

"What the hell?" Chuuya said. "Are you treating the suspension like a vacation?"

"Yes, now out with it."

"I'm just warning you: be careful going out and enjoying yourself." Chuuya sighed heavily, "Never let your guard down."

"I will, I have my super powerful and protective boyfriend right-" I turned and he was gone.

"Ali?" Chuuya asked on the other end. "Is everything okay?"

I chuckled nervously. "Uh, yeah, I just don't know..." I trailed while looking around the courtyard for Akutagawa. "That fucker knows I'm no good at directions." I mumbled under my breath. "Well, whatever. Thanks for the warning, Chu-chan." I hung up before he could say more.

"Excuse me, Miss?" I turned to the person who dare put their hand on my shoulder.

"Are you talking to me?" I looked the man over, sizing him up for a fight.

He took a half a step back, "Yeah, you just looked a little lost. Did you need help finding a specific art exhibit?"

"Yeah, my boyfriend." I spat. "Don't worry he'll be back." I paused, "Actually you should worry when he comes back."

"What kind of boyfriend would leave his beautiful girlfriend alone in a giant place like this?"

I moved closer to him. "Sir, do you have any idea who I am?" I kept my voice low. My hair began to change back to it's normal color. "The name is Kingsley. Kingsley Aliceina. Ring any bells, hot shot?"

The man's brown eyes widened aas he shook in fear. His mouth hung open, but nothing came out. I remained motionless and expressionless. My blue eyes stared directly into his without fault. He screamed and ran away.

"Causing trouble?" Akutagawa's voice caused me to turn around.

I gasped, "Is that for me?"

He held out the sweet crepe for me. "Aliceina, what did you do?"

"Oh," I stated with a big piece of crepe in my mouth, "we should run." I linked our arms and dragged him to a shrub. I quickly made it shrink in size so we could easily make a getaway.

The police began yelling at us. The shrub grew back to its normal height, hiding us as we ran down the main street. I took the liberty of changing our outfits and hair colors yet again.

"Seriously," Akutagawa began after we were safely walking the streets, "what did you do to that man? I left you for how long?"

I sighed, "You left your poor, hot, vulnerable girlfriend out in the open for all those male predators to prey on a cute little kitty like me!"

"Kitten, you've killed more people than me."

I pouted, "Well, he was harassing me so I told him my name." I took a couple more bites of the crepe. "This is so good!" I fought the urge to go up on my toes and kiss his cheek. "Well, no matter we're safe now thanks to me."

"Yes, saved from the trouble you caused. Good job, Ali."

"If I waited for you to come to my rescue, you would have killed him." I huffed, "Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong."

"Just eat the crepe..." Akutagawa muttered in defeat.

We finally got home and I changed our appearances back to how they should be. Sitting down at the kitchen island, I began sifting through our mail that we picked up before coming home. There were the usual, bills, coupons, magazines, but there was a fancy looking invitation at the bottom of the pile.

"Hey, Aku, get a load of this." I walked to the doorway of the living room where Akutagawa was having his afternoon tea. "Dear Mr. Akutagawa and Miss Kingsley, the two of you are formally invited to the party of the century. The two of you are requested to join me and my family at the Grand Hotel on 6th street on the twentieth of this month. Signed, Jay." I tossed the black and white letter to him. "You know any Jay's?"

"No..." Akutagawa examined the letter. "Jay seems to be more of an English name, no? Is he not one of your old acquaintances? Maybe a coworker of your dad's?"

"Huh..." I trailed, "Jay does sound familiar now that you mention it. I suppose so. I bet you he found me from the news and used his connections for my new address. Father's workers were always so resourceful. This is exciting! I wonder what we're celebrating."

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