Chapter 6

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Kylie's POV

The next morning was exceptionally different. My daily alarm clock didn't go off, which meant that? DYLAN WAS STILL IN BED! It was funny, because it was 5 in the morning and I was wide awake, even without his constant hollers, which was a pretty big accomplishment coming from me.

I debated on going for the jog on my own, or just sleeping in for the day. But of course, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't go with Dylan?  So, being the angel of a friend I was, I slept through.

Naturally, I woke up at eight, proceeded with my morning routine and put on an outfit which was the closest to my hold in the cupboard. Definitely not lazy.

I headed for the kitchen, but my feet just brought me somewhere else. I had to admit, that morning felt a little weird. It was like I was relieved, but it felt as though I missed something important at the same time. The thought of it scared me a little but, I think these early morning jogs were growing on me. Frowning, I looked up, face to face with the maroon door I was only too familiar with.

I barged in like how I normally would, and instantly made eye contact with a pile of clothes on the floor.

Wait. What?!

"Aaahh! Dylan! You fat ass, Get off the floor!" I commanded, and helped him up. Well, tried my extreme best, because like I've said, huge mass of muscles, impossible to move. So I decided on doing the next obvious thing. I sat on him.

His left arm was sticking out, the one which was wrapped around with the thickest cast I've ever seen, so I carefully maneuvered my way around it. He looked like a corpse for goodness sake.

The pig groaned and moaned, and I wisely decided to sleep on his back. Wisely, because it was the stupidest decision.

He turned his body, but I was sitting on it. So when he shifted, his arm poked my ribs and with a huge 'thump', my back made contact with the carpeted floor and oh boy did that hurt.

I laid groaning and kicking Dylan. Only when he realized I had fell backwards and freaking hurt myself did he get up to carry me. Wait, more like drag, as his arm wasn't fully recovered yet.

Should I ask him now? I thought to myself. It was still early in the morning, and our friend here looks like he's been knocked on the head with a baseball bat a bunch of times. I knew he was suffering a mass headache, repercussions of excessive alcohol.

I'll bother him with questions later, I finalized.

Just when I was running through all the possible approaches I could take with this matter, something disrupted my train of thoughts.

Unknowingly, I had gotten up and slept on the king sized bed and my face was now in level with Dylan's chest. His bare chest. It was hard you know, to look away. So many things were running through my mind.
1. I was staring directly at his chest.
2. I knew I was staring directly at his chest. Both my conscious and sub conscious mind were very clear of that.
3. I didn't know if Dylan was looking at me.
4. Oh man, it was irresistible.

Just as I blinked, I heard, "Here, lemme give you a better view," and two huge hands wrapped around my neck and pulled it straight, heading for the forbidden chest area.

Oh.My.God. This was getting more embarrassing by the minute.

"DYLANNNNN!" I screeched, but my voice was so muffled that you couldn't hear anything, because he was ramming my face so hard into his chest. "Stop it, you idiot!" I yelled again. Someone would think he was trying to suffocate and kill me if I didn't stop him.

I placed both my palms on his abs (of steel, if I may add) and pushed hard, prying myself away from him. I tore the blankets away from myself, which I didn't even know was there, and strode out, stopping at the door.

"I want you out in five." I ordered, and left the room with a very disgruntled looking Dylan.

* * * * * * * * * *

A/N: GUYS! This isn't the end of the chapter, coz I'm not done and god knows how long that's gonna take. So here is the beginning, I'm around quarter of the way done with the rest of this chapter, just to let you know. Please tell me what you think, like if I should write with much more content or if I should exclude these annoying authors' notes...

Oh and final request, do you think I should start naming my chapters? Wouldn't make much of a difference, but personally I like reading books with cool chapter names ^^ so yeah, tell me what you think in the comments or in personal messages! Hope you like the story!

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