Chapter 7

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Walking out into the corridor is when i caught my breath. What the hell is that. I mean I've seen him shirtless countless of times, but why was today different?

Why was it that something in my stomach made a back flip when i realised i was sleeping next to him ? Why could i not take my eyes off that abs and why oh why did i feel sparks fly when i looked into that steel-grey eyes?

Honestly, i couldn't answer any of that. Something was seriously wrong with me, and i had to fix whatever it was before any unwanted tension started to build up.

Never once would I have thought something like this would change the perception i had of my bestfriend.

Actually thinking about it, nothing really happened ! He just caught me off guard, i wasn't ready to be forced into his metal plated chest. It was probably those teenage hormones thingy sticking its ugly head in between two best friends. Yes that was it, nothing happened. I'm gonna blame it on the hormones and get a grip of myself.

But something did happen.

"Whyyyyy" i groaned, slapping my face with my palm and deciding I had no mood for breakfast anymore.

But of course, knowing my hunger would override my emotional outburst in five minutes, I made to grab a sandwich and head to the park for a morning walk.

As usual, the kitchen was filled with hungry werewolves coming in after their morning runs. I noticed Emma among them, seated on Steve's lap right beside the kitchen counter.

"Hey Ems" I greeted, winking at her, "Steve."

"Kay!" Emma exclaimed while Steve smiled his acknowledgement. She noticed my smirk but dismissed it with a shake of her head, smiling widely "Want some toast? Aunt's taking awhile," She asked, offering me a plate of freshly toasted wholemeal bread.

Just what i wanted. "Thanks babe." I said, still smirking, but deciding i should haunt her later.

So that's why she delayed her vacation and let Melanie arrive first, she found her mate !

I couldn't help but smile to myself, as i made to exit the mansion.


It was still early, and not many people were out yet. I decided to take advantage of the peaceful atmosphere to sit at the edge of the short wooden platform near the lake.

As i stared into the waters thinking about nothing in particular, I heard the loud click-clacking of heels against the wood. It approached fast.

Then, an annoyingly high-pitched voice sliced against the otherwise serene atmosphere.

"So it was you," she snarled.

I took my time to turn, not wanting to show her she just gave me the shock of my life. Now why was she here?

After a few moments of silence, she started again.

"Are you happy now ? Finally got the guy, haven't you? I know you've been jealous of us the moment I met you. And now finally you've cast your spell on him and reeled him into your trap ! "

I carefully stood up, and slowly turned to face her.

"What are you talking about?" My tone made it very clear I wasn't in the least interested in what she was saying.

"Oh don't you dare play dumb with me, bitch. You know what you did." she said, placing her right index and middle finger near her temple, which looked black and blue.

Her language didn't seem to bother me in the least, and I continued staring at my nails.

When i hadn't said anything, she continued in an even higher voice in the attempt of immitating someone, "Oh she's so beautiful, oh her eyes, oh her smile, oh kylie oh kylie ! That was the only things he said, and here i was thinking that he was talking about me! "

"You stole him from me ! We were meant to be from the beginning and you took him away ! I'll never leave you in peace! NEVER ! " She bellowed and spun on her heels, strutting away.

Miranda didn't explicitly say who she was referring to, but i could put two and two together.

What was that about?

I stared at her retreating back utterly confused, when suddenly my vision started blurring and i could only just make out Miranda's figure.


The pitch darkness of the club was accompanied by defeaning music and disco lights. I took in my surroundings, not knowing how in the world I got here.

The leather couch I was standing beside had just three people, and it was on a platform higher than that of the dancing drunk people.

Miranda, Dylan and some girl I recognised as a pack member.

"What in the world -?" I began, perplexed and made my way to Dylan, but he paid no attention to my approaching figure. Actually, none of them did.

I waved my hand in from of him, even tried to pinch him but my hands never made contact with his body.

I tried speaking to him, but again he seemed to have not heard me. Frustrated, I went to sit on the empty seat on the couch.

Before i could think of my next plan to get out of this place, Dylan's soft whispers caught my attention.

"So beautiful.... She's so beautiful.... That body, that style. It's her.." He murmured, taking another swig of the beer he held in his hands.

Miranda seemed to be blushing too furiously, a sight I never wished to see again. And suddenly her expression changed faster than you could say scary.

"Kylie," Dylan breathed, and my heart skipped a beat.

Miranda looked terrified.

He seemed to have suddenly regained his consciousness and sat up straight. "Miranda, I think we should end this. I'm breaking up with you. "

His tone was so serious, almost like he was planning a training session with our pack.

He got up slightly later, and slower then Miranda, who jumped to her feet the moment those words left his mouth. She was red.

"You're in love with that kylie girl aren't you?  Were you cheating on me with her ? WELL GUESS WHAT? YOU CAN GO F*CK THAT BITCH FOR ALL I CARE. GO AND LIVE WITH HER AT LEAST FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS SHE BREATHES"

Her rant and immature death threat made me want to laugh, but the confused expression on Dylan's face stopped me.

He seemed to have forgotten that he dumped her because he had the look of utter exasperation while she was ranting, but her last few words seemed to have hit a nerve, and with force he roughly pushed her backwards against the couch and walked past her.

Once he was a good metre away, he turned back," Don't you dare lay a finger on my Kay," he snarled viciously.

My heart skipped a beat. My?

I couldn't see his face clearly but i was sure his eyes were tinted with the darkest blue. It always did when he got angry, from when we were kids. Alpha traits.

Miranda yelped as her head hit the glass panel above the couch, and she fell onto it with a loud thud.

"No! I'm breaking up with you !" She called after him, but he seemed to have not heard her, but continued walking towards the exit.

Before he reached it though, it felt as though someone's huge palm landed on my face and pushed me backwards.

I was staring into the bright blue sky once again.


A/N: How was it guys ? I know i've taken ages but there was so much going on at home and, you'd understand if i told you :) For now, enjoy ! :)

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