Chaper 10

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Kay's POV

I stood up almost zombie-like, and walked towards the couch where Dylan was having his breakfast. I was aware that Mother was looking at me until I reached Dylan, and was glad she didn't stop me to ask any questions. Mother was a very understanding person, so I'm sure she knew I needed time to digest.

As I plopped into the empty space in between the three uncivilized brothers who took three seats for themselves , I knew that I wouldn't be so affected if Mother didn't tell me about her great-great grandma. Deep down I knew that that was why I was feeling so many emotions at the same time.

I looked down at the pancakes in front of me and wondered how on earth I'm gonna eat it on the couch. I stared at it for awhile , zoning out, and finally got up to sit on a table instead.

"Kay ? " Dylan started, confused.

"Nahh don't mind me. I'll be over there," I said gesturing at the table with my head.

I gently placed myself on the chair and with the fork and knife, slowly started to cut a small piece of the sweetness in front of me.

Maybe I should just eat my worries away.

I made to put the second piece of heaven in my mouth when Dylan called out to me.

"What are you doing there by yourself, woman?" He said, but came to join me.

"No, no reason." I answered, and unconsciously started to eat just a little faster.

I didn't know why I was behaving so weirdly in front of him, it was really awkward now. First, were the bedroom incidents that never failed to leave me breathless. Then, it was this.

I was so afraid my relationship with him was going to be hindered because of my stupid feelings. I've always lived by the knowledge that one shouldn't make any decisions when they're too emotional,  and I was determined not to do it this time.

At the back of my mind, I know I really cared for Dylan. He was the one that was always there, to the extend that it would actually get annoying. And I also knew that we werewolves would find our mates, and him being 18, it was just a matter of time he brought home a beautiful girl who would soon be our newly crowned Luna.

That thought disturbed me. But when I pushed it to the back of my mind to concentrate on my food,

"Kay ! What the hell? " Dylan said firmly, shaking my left shoulder.

"Wha-What? " I said annoyed, "What's wrong with you?"

"No! What's wrong with you? You just totally zoned out ! The hell is happening? " he asked me, no demanded. I picked up the trace of alpha authority in his voice, but didn't bring it up like how I normally would.

"No its, its nothing. You," I said, rubbing some Nutella on his nose, " are being weird." I turned and left a very dumbfound Dylan behind me.


Dylan's POV

I was still glaring at her retreating back, as though the intensity of it would make her turn back around and tell me what's going on. But I knew she wouldn't. She's too stubborn for her own good, and using the alpha authority on her would get my ass kicked.

So, I just let her go.

I didn't know why she was acting so distant all of a sudden. I must admit, seeing her in a her PJs was quite something, but it was as though the eleven years of fighting and bullying suddenly turned into blushing and liking? If that even made sense. Sometimes I'd be completely relaxed, and she'd accidentally brush my stomach and act as though she saw a ghost for the next 20 minutes. Other times she would be her usual self, and I'd have to struggle with not staring at her brea - face. I meant face. 

It was so hard to lie beside her and fall asleep because all I wanted to do was grab her and never let her get out of bed. When she sat on me and easily slid away, it took all the strength I had to not run after her and pin her against the wall, just so that I could see her adorable expression when she panics. 

Funny thing was, these feelings weren't new. It never was.

Sighing, I decided I'd just let her be for awhile. I figured she needed her time and I was planning on letting her have it. If I knew my best friend well enough, I know that she doesn't keep anything from me.

That was the thing about her. Even it was totally unnecessary or just some little incident, she'd tell me.

One time, she punched a guy in the nose, heard some sort of cracking sound and immediately rang me up to tell me she was now officially a bad ass. When I came back, all I saw when I looked at her was her neck because her nose was too high in the air we couldn't keep eye contact.

Whatever happened now must have had been pretty big impact on her , because I knew Kylie well enough. As to what I felt for her, well she doesn't need to know. Her sixteenth birthday was coming up and very soon she'd find her mate. If I were to step in between them, I knew it was my feelings that were going to go unforeseen. Moreover, I'd never want to come in between two soul mates because that was as good as a crime in our world.

Clearing all these emotions and thoughts, I finalized that all Kay needed now was a best friend and a best-est friend indeed I was intending to be.


Hey, you all! Sorry for these super short chapters :( I didn't wanna put all of it in one chapter so in the next i promise you'd get to know loads more. So for now, have fun reading and ask me anything related! or unrelated, doesn't really matter HAHAHA have a good day guys :)

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