Chapter 9

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Kay's POV

A golden glow spread across my bedroom as my eyes inched open. I woke up to a slightly throbbing headache. I sat up and stared outside my bedside table,the scenery outside was beautiful. My bed was located at the end of the room, so it had a direct few of the fountain and a sneak peak of the park.

The Park.. MY RUNS !

"Phew, I think Dylan has a memory loss or something " I breathed.

"No babygirl, I don't. It is fifteen minutes to eight."

"AHH ! WHAT THE F*CK DYLAN ? " I screamed in his face, panting after. He was lying right beside me ! 

I think my heart just got weaker.

"You really thought I forgot about the runs ? You are reaching sixteen in a few months, you know how important this is." He said seriously, his eyes still closed.

Knowing I couldn't come up with a good-enough comeback, "So that doesn't mean you can just salsa into my room here and sleep on my bed !!"

"No, but since when did it matter," he said, smirking.

Urgh, stupid boy with his stupid smirks making me feel some type of way.

"Get off my bed now, or I'm stepping on you." I said seriously.

He had that oh-so angelic face that held such pure innocence, but at the same time he was completely ignoring my very serious threat. So I did what I said I would do. I jumped upwards and sat on him for maximum impact, and hopped off the bed. He groaned, but the idiot had it coming.

Glancing over at my sister's bed, I deduced she would have gotten up early. I skipped to the bathroom and announced to Dylan that I would be out in ten minutes.

As I was doing my usual pre-run morning routine, I kicked out all thoughts about the fact that I just practically sat on Dylan's abs, and started thinking about more pressing issues I had to clear with Mother. That was the main reason why I woke up with a headache today as well, Mother never really told me what powers I possessed ! Time-travelling? I didn't think so.

Just when I was about to grab the face towel hanging beside the sink, something hit me hard on the head. Well, it was the reality that was waiting outside for me. Oh my god.

How am I supposed to tell Dylan?


I forgot to bring my clothes into the shower, so I had to quietly peep into my room to see if the pig was still sleeping. Thankfully he chose to wait down below for me,  god knows what'd happen to my pride if I had to walk in with just one little piece of cloth covering my body in front of him.

I changed into my favorite Adidas gym outfit and went down to meet Dylan.


We returned to a very crowded mansion as everyone were just finishing up their breakfasts. Thankfully Dylan has started forcing me up at eight instead of five or six, as after the runs we would have the whole kitchen to ourselves.

The twins joined us today, having woke up later,  so they couldn't join the rest of the pack. It was a long run, and I must say I felt pretty good after it.

I spotted Mother helping out Luna El with the preparations. " I'll join you in the lounge." I told the brothers and went over to her.

"Hey Luna , can I borrow mum for a bit?"

"Sure dear," she said, and I ushered mum out of the kitchen doors.

We sat down across each other on the table in between the kitchen and the lounge so both Luna El and Dylan won't hear us.

"What is it, honey?" Mother asked.

I looked at her hungrily, "Mum, you never told me what powers I possessed?"

Mother laughed.

"You, my child, have the power to delve into the memories of others. You experience what they have been through when they personally relive it in their minds again. At times when their emotions are really strong, you can feel it." She paused, " You have the powers just like my great-great grandmother. It is one of the strongest powers there is, and it was how she won the hearts of many and was crowned royalty." Mother said, smiling. "It wasn't because she read their minds and used it against them, but  because that power can be controlled. As a matter of fact, all powers can be controlled. She used it to sense what the other person was feeling, and she helped them talk about it and lift it off their shoulders. The faes would feel so much better after talking to her. "

I was sitting upright the whole time, listening intently. But when mother said the only other person who had this power was the one that ruled an entire population, I didn't know what to feel. I felt so special but so afraid at the same time.

I felt so proud that the powers I had was powerful. I laughed a little at that. 

Powers were powerful. Ha ha.

I felt strong, like I was born to achieve something. I felt like I had to be brave no matter what, because I was secure and my powers made me confident.

But with all these glorifying thoughts came fear. What if I failed? What if the very thing I was born to do was beyond my own capabilities ? What if I let everyone down?

My eyes that were once twinkling with joy now held bitterness, as I shifted my sight, landing on Dylan.

What if, in order to use this power to its extent, I had to lose my own best friend?


Thank you all for reading!

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