Chapter 8: The Apple

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  • Dedicated to To All Miss Matched readers

Chapter 8

"Kaleen wake up!" Jill shouted pulling my arm

"Mmhm.." I moaned then pull my hand back, covering my ear with it to keep from hearing Jill's shouts

"Hey! Get up already we're gonna be late" Jill tried removing my hands from my ears

"No! I wanna sleep!" I cover my whole face with a pillow

"We're here for a job and not for a vacation, remember? So get your butt out of bed and spend the damn day with Zayn" Jill shouted yanking the pillow that was covering my head

Oh yeah.. We're supposed to have some "bonding time" with our partner and that means spending the whole day with Mr. Airhead. The thought of this makes me not want to leave my bed more.

"I don't wanna ruin my day and see Mr. Airhead"

Jill sighed and pulled me out of bed. I hit the carpeted floor with a low thud which really woke me up

"You just have to live with that unless you want your bum to kick back to UK" 

I sat up and thought about that for a minute

"Fine! But just cause I don't wanna go back"

I stood up lazily and went in for a quick shower

"How come you're sleepier than me when I drank more than you?" Jill asks as I went out of the bathroom

"Who do you think took care of you last night? Mr. Airhead? Plus I have to do Alex too before going to bed"

"Sorry?" Jill says with a sorry smile

"I slept at 4am and you woke me up at 7. How come I'm sleepy?" I told her sarcastically

She stood up and hugged me

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"And now I have to spend the whole day with my most favorite person in the world. Could this day get anymore wonderful" I continued on

Jill laughs "It's not my fault you're stuck with him. Blame your camera chemistry"

"Bloody camera chemistry!" I exclaimed

Jill laughs then helps me get dress.

"Don't worry he's fun to be with" Jill says as we leave our room and head for the set

"Yeah if only he likes me like he likes you" I answered back sharply

"What?" she asks confuse

"Oh come on! Can't you tell he like you?"

"It's not like that. He's just being a nice person"

"Yeah.. if he could be one. Oh.My.God. It's totally obvious! He likes you!"

Jill shook her head "Whatever. Just be nice to him okay?"

"I bet he wouldn't even be there.."


"Fine! I'll try, if he's even there"

I'm right! Zayn wasn't at the set. All of the boys were there except for him.

"I told you so" I whispered at Jill

Harry stood up upon seeing us then, he gave me a kiss on the cheek

"That was for last night" he smiled cheekily

"Where's Airh- Aw!"

Jill step on my foot then gave me an icy look

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