Chapter One

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His phone started ringing. His eyes shot open. He got up and cursed under his breath.

"Hello?" He picked up the call, he looked angry on been woken up like this but his expression changed after a few seconds.

"Okay honey, see ya," 

The blonde girl got up on bed.

"Dean?Who was that?" She asked, getting on top of him.

"No one," He answered shortly. She frowned and brought her lips to his neck.

"Whom were you calling honey?" He pushed her away and started putting on his clothes.

"Come on, Anne," He said in a bored tone.

"I am asking you something!" She shouted. He looked at her.

"Hanna." He replied shortly. She stared at him.

"I thought you loved me!" He froze.


"I thought you loved me. " She repeated. He broke into laughter.

"What? ME? In love, What a joke!"

"I'm leaving!" She shouted.

"Yeah go on and fuck somebody else!" He shouted right back, she slammed the door behind her. He climbed back into bed,It was 8 am and a glorious Saturday.

She stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around her,she moved to her wardrobe to select an outfit,but her viber started ringing.

"I knew he'd d be awake," She muttered and smiled.Her friend Aaron was inviting her on a video chat.

"Hi,"He said.Then his eyes became wide,"You are soo hot,"He added.

"Shut up,"She said."So you are up,you know I was thinking if we enjoy this Sat in a club,"

"Oh yeah...Good one,that,s doable!"He replied,still gazing at her.

"Okay I have to...Oh thing I had to tell you,"He raised his eyebrows.

"And what,s that?She smirked

"Do you remember your toy?"She asked.

"Anne?Oh yeah that hot girl,"He nodded.

"I saw him with Dean Davis yesterday,"Aaron,s eyes shot open.

"What....I,ll kill him for that!"He muttered.

"He,ll kill you first,he did that on purpose,for making you pay for spoiling his night,"She reminded him.

"We have suffered enough,"She nodded.

"He hates everyone who hangs out with you,Well,that was your mistake you took his night,s toy,"

"I liked her and I was drunk!"He defended himself.

"Oh whatever it,s past one year,"

"Yeah but he hates you,and would I remind you he spilled ink on your maths paper,the other day?"He reminded her.

"And I stepped on his physics paper,remember?"She said with an evil grin.

"Naughty girl,bye,"He waved,she waved back.

She threw her phone on her bed and started putting on her clothes.She always woke up early,she looked at the mirror and smiled.

She picked up her parents photo,and smiled.

"Mom,dad,see your girl has grown,I hoped you were alive,but never mind I have my aunt and family,thanks for everything,I love you,"She wiped a tear away from her cheek and headed towards the door,to find something for breakfast.


"Are you ready,Lissy?"Gwen cried from the kitchen.

"Gwen stop eating my biscuits and I,m coming!"Alice shouted right back,from her room,applying mascara.

Gwen was the best friend of Alice.

"okay I,m ready!"She stepped out of her room.



"I know I look beautiful,now lets go or Aaron and John will leave us here,"They rushed towards the car,owned by John

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"I know I look beautiful,now lets go or Aaron and John will leave us here,"They rushed towards the car,owned by John.

"Lets GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Gwen shouted,and the car raced towards the night club.

"Dean,buddy lets move!"max said.

"Okay come on,"He climbed on the driving seat while Max,his bestie took the passenger,s.

"Girls,beer and party,"Max sang.

"Yeah,yeah,"Dean laughed.

"Party....Party,,,Gosh what,s the matter with me,"Max scolded himself.

"You excited for the girls,"Dean told him.He nodded.


There car stopped infront of the club,just as the climbed out a car came rushing from there front.

"Oh..Aaron?"Max said.

"Lets go,"Dean pushed him inside,eyeing Alice and Gwen.

They entered in the club.

Max and John moved towards a crowd of girls.

"boys,"Gwen shook her head.

"Gwen,am gonna get a drink,"She said and walked towards the bar.

She ordered her drink and sat down.

"Oh see who,s there?"She spun around to reveal Dean,s handsome features and killer body.

"What?"She asked.

"Came here to spoil my night,again?"

"I did,nt!"She defended herself.

"But Aar,did.......Oh my glorious night!"He clutched his heart.

"Shut the hell up,Dean Davis!"She grabbed her drink and fled towards the exit door.

"I should get some cool air before going back and facing that idiot,"She thought.

She heard some footsteps coming towards her she turned to see a group of drunk guys coming towards her.

"Hey,.......,"One of the guys came forward and touched her bare arm.

"I,ll pay you for a night?"

"Shut the hell up, and get lost!"She cried moving away, but he caught hold of her again.

"I, ll............I, ll pay you!"He repeated.

"NO!"She tried to get away but he pushed her towards the ground and reached for her dress.

He was just going to rip the dress off when he was knocked off on the ground.

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