Chapter 6 ~Her~

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Dottie's POV

I was at my locker. I closed it and saw Blaze kissing a girl. My heart broke into pieces.

Words could not come out my mouth. I couldn't move, my legs were planted in the ground.

My eyes were stuck on them. My teeth grew sharper. My ears went down. My eyes became watery. My hands were shaking.

They stopped. I turned around and ran down the hall. I locked myself in the janitor's closet and started crying.

Why did he do this to me? Did he used me to get to her? Did that kiss even ment anything?

The bell rang. I heard students walking down the hall. It got quiet so I went out and went out the school.

I walked to the park cause If I went home mom would freak out. I sat on the bench and saw a lovely werewolf couple.

I smiled and cried. Knowing how cute they are and Blaze and I will never be like that. It started to rain.

It got colder and I was shivering. I got up and walked to a coffee shop.


I got a frappucino. I looked at my phone and Blaze texted me.

B: Dottie why weren't you at school?

D: Well you have the nerve to text me.

B: What do you mean?

D: Come on Blaze I saw you

B: YOU SAW ME DID WHAT DOTTIE!? Just please tell me.

D: Nevermind. Have fun with her

B: with who?

Dottie came offline

Blaze was pretending he has no idea what I'm talking about. I didn't know someone so charmimg can be a jerk!

I walked home. I opened the door and my mom was on the couch watching T.V. "Hey hun!'
she said.

"Hi mom!" I said with a fake smile. "I made some corndogs if you want any" she said and I nodded. I'm suprised the school didn't call her.

I walked upstairs in my room. I cried myself to sleep.

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