Chapter 10 ~Kidnapped~

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Dottie's POV

Alpha is acting strange again every time she walks pass me she has a small smirk on her face. I had Blaze's shirt in  my book bag I still had to give it to him. I opened my locker and placed my phone inside.

I heard lately that Blaze was trying to become Alpha. It hurt my heart a little knowing that Aphmau will be the Alpha female. I'm just happy that if Blaze become Alpha Ein won't have any power.

The bell rang and students scattered to there classrooms. I walked to homeroom and just daydreamed for the whole session. The class was over finally. It was lunch! I didn't want to go in the cafeteria instead I sat over by the bleachers. I took a bite of my Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich and squirted my apple juice in my mouth.

There I heard Daniel screaming. Is he getting bullied again? I went and followed the screams. I ran over to where Ryder and Jax was but I did not see Daniel. Ryder grabbed me by the arm and threw me in a bag.

They closed the bag and poked holes in it so I can breathe. I screamed threw one of the holes "Help!!!" They hit the bag so I can shut up. Thank Irene I'm not claustrophobic. The bag stopped moving. They opened up the bag and took me out.

"WHAT THE F-!!!!"

*Please stand by*

"Why am I here?" I asked. "Let's let Ein explain" smirked Jax. The place I was in smelled like Apples for some weird reason.
The walls were covered with dark purple paint and e floor was carpet.

"Hello Dottie" smirked Ein from a far. "Ein" I growled. "Calm down puppy" he gave out a small chuckle. Dottie backed up a little almost tripping as Ein walked forward a little. "You see Dottie, Blaze is competing to become Alpha"

"So I'm holding you hostage"

"How is that suppose to help?"

"I'm going to tell him don't compete or I'll do something bad to you" he smirked. A shiver ran down my spine as I swallow a big gulp. "So here you are''.

I was speechless. My heart thumped louder and louder each second. "Speechless? I know" he grinned. "Jax Ryder watch her. I have some work to do" he walked off.

I glared at the two werewolves and growled as they  laughed. Why is this happening to me!?

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