Part 52

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*Hey guys!! Ok so what im going to do is use song quotes from Trapsoul, and True to self in my story. I want y'all to comment like y'all have been doing if you know the song quote, or just the song in general. *

*Friday night*

Bryson PoV

i shot the ball into the hoop, and screamed LETS GO!

Quees:mane shut the fuck up y'all stay cheating(mad)

i dapped peanut up, knowing we just one the 5th game in a row against Quees and tae.

Bryson:how we win and tae you the basketball star(laughs)

Tae:mane whatever (laughs)

we all headed over to the bench on the court, and sat down.

I grabbed my water bottle and started gulping down my water.

Peanut:im tired low-key(wipes sweat off head)

Tae:who you telling (drinks water)

Quees:So y'all started packing for Jamaica??

Bryson:Nah(shakes head)  i been to busy buying Naomi shit, i havent had no time for my damn self

Peanut:i know damn well you aint buying that bitch nothing(laughs)

i looked at peanut with the she eye.

Bryson;watch your mouth....and i mean she my girl i want to see her happy

Quees:Autumn always happy and i don't buy her shit(laughs) that girl only want money money and more money from you bryson

Tae:right, overtime im talking to you, you taking Naomi shopping, or buying her some petty shit her ugly ass can get herself(laughs)

I shook my head.

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