Quarters (G.Laf x Reader)

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After months and months of waiting you were finally going to see your favorite book adapted into a movie. You ordered tickets online for opening night and you could not contain your excitement and now you finally get to see it! 

Unfortunately, you were so excited that you arrived at the theater way way earlier than your friend and before they could let you into the theater, but you didn't mind too much since you could waste time in the arcade until she arrived. 

As you were about to put in a quarter for a racing game, a man tapped your shoulder and pointed to the seat next to yours, silently asking if he could play with you. 

You blushed and nodded, shocked at how handsome the man was with his dark complexion and beautiful brown eyes. You couldn't decipher if you were or weren't disappointed that he didn't speak as you glanced down at your arm which read "I think I sit beside you."

It would've worked out perfectly for this scenario if he said those words and next thing you know you're riding of into the sunset with a handsome stranger. But you shook that thought out of your mind because most likely he wasn't your soulmate, but you not knowing allowed you to dream a little. 

But enough talk about dreaming, soulmate or not, you were determined to kick this guy's ass in this racing game. The game started up and you slammed on the gas pedal. Time went on and you noticed the guy playing against you wasn't that bad. And normally, you were very good and would almost always beat your friends, but this time you were slightly distracted by your competitor's good looks. 

You were coming to the final stretch and you were in first with the handsome stranger in close second. You grinned and pushed harder against the fake gas pedal in excitement as you were about to win. You were about to cross the finish line when the man used an accelerator boost and zoomed right past you, taking the gold and leaving you in the dust. 

You gaped at the screen and then back at the stranger, "You cheated! How could you do this to me?!"

You moaned and covered your eyes as you slumped down the chair. You noticed the man was silent and you peeked between your fingers to see him gaping at you. He was about to say something when you heard your name being called. 

"(Y/N)!" Your friend yelled at you as she stuffed some popcorn in her mouth.  "C'mon the movie is about to start!"

You jumped out of your seat and jogged over to her. You glanced over your shoulder to see the man still in the racing game chair, staring at you. You giggled and gave him a small wave before entering the theater. 

Since it was opening night, the two of you had assigned seats. You marveled as you noticed the theater had reclining chairs. 

"C1, C2, C3, C4...aha! C5 and C6!" Your friend exclaimed. "Which seat do you want? 5 or 6?" 

You narrowed your eyes and glanced at both seats, somehow knowing this was a big decision, "I'll take 6." 

You plopped down in your seat and shoved some popcorn into your mouth. Soon, you saw more and more people filing into the theater. You were half hoping the cute guy from earlier would come in, but you knew it would be a long shot. 

After a little while, almost all the seats were filled with the exception of some in the front row and the one next to yours. You shrugged it off as the lights dimmed that signaled that the movie was about to start. You scooted to the edge of your chair as you awaited the beginning, staring at the huge screen. The opening scene started and you nearly squealed but you felt a tap on your left shoulder.

You sighed, annoyed, and turned to see who disturbed you. You froze as you saw it was the gorgeous stranger from earlier. He was gripping his icee nervously in his hand as he looked down at you. 

"I-I think I sit beside you." 

Your eyes went wide and you tensed up. You glanced down and your marking before looking back at him. He smiled sheepishly and angled his arm so you could see his marking. 

You cheated! How could you do this to me?!

Your face resembled a tomato after your read it over and over again and you stared at him as he slowly sat down next to you. 

"We can talk later about this and in all honestly I totally didn't expect those words to be said how it was, but I'm glad how it turned out and well uh," You noticed he had a French accent as he rambled and you nearly swooned in your seat, totally oblivious as the movie going on. He then reached into his pocket to grab something.

"Round two on me?" He asked as he held up two quarters. 

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