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Youngjae's P.O.V:

With another white flash we were transported to the hospital games room. 7 Year old me was playing with the building blocks alone. I had been in and out of hospital with this cancer since a young age; Kyung was in hospital with Pneumonia at the time and needed a friend to play with, so he approached the younger me.

"Hello! I'm Kyung; do you need help with your building?" We started building a hotel out of blocks and thus began our 13 year long friendship. I was then shown kind of a montage of our friendship together; all the birthday's together, helping kyung with his raps, when kyung practically helped me raise Chenle, everything we had ever done together was played by the angel in front of my eyes.

"Why are you showing me this?"

I asked the angel through tears. She didn't say anything however led me through another white door; there was no flash however we were now in the hospital cafeteria. There, was a crippled JB, trying to scoop scrambled eggs, it was the day we became friends. I watched the memory play through, tears streaming down my cheeks non-stop. I couldn't leave this boy behind, I just couldn't. I was then transported to another room, it was the party, and all of my new and old friends were there. I watched the games of truth or dare play through, the dance challenges we did, all the joking and laughing we went through and all of the fun we had together. It was really one of the best nights I had seen in a while.

"Youngjae, I have shown you your past, do you now understand what you can't leave behind?"

I nodded thinking the angel would let me go back into my body but I was very wrong. She took my hand and we flew up out of the hospital, we landed at SM studios.

"Go on, go inside" She told me.

I walked in to the studio and was met by large framed photos of young boys aged around 14-17. Their name was 'NCT DREAM.' I recognised one face far too clearly, the smiling bright boy I called my brother, Chenle was on the wall right next to Mark. I kept walking through the studio and heard some beats coming from a small room, I walked in and saw a boy a bit younger than me maybe, 18, practicing a hip hop dance. The doorway I was standing in flew open and in walked a boy maybe Chenle's age. He had purple hair and he was very short.

"Chenle hyung, the producers need you in the other studio, NCT 127 is practicing for their next comeback, and they're waiting for you."

"Who is he talking to? Chenle isn't here" I questioned the angel.

"That is Chenle, Youngjae. He made a debut with a small group of young boys called NCT dream, eventually as they grew up, the cute concept became unrealistic. Some boys left SM for YG entertainment. However some boys such as your brother got moved up into the older age group, 127."

The angel explained to me, I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that this 18 year old was my brother. She continued

"After you passed away, it became even more essential for your brother to succeed with his dream, to make you proud. Especially with what happened to Kyung."

"What? What happened to Kyung?"

I asked the angel through tears, she only took my hand again. She had to literally drag me out of the building; I was a mess and did not want to see anymore. She led me to a building across the street none other than 7 seasons. (Let's just pretend) I walked in to find the boys all sitting in a circle with their managers and producers. They were all trying to calm kyung down who was in tears.

"Kyung I know you need some time to heal, we all understand, but you can't do this to us, we signed a contract." The manager spoke.

Kyung shot him a deadly glare and my bestfriend who I had only ever seen smile and be happy was now an angry mess. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was a mess and his usually bright happy smile was a straight line. ( K )

"You obviously don't understand, do you?! All you care about is money, what about how I'm feeling? I lost my best friend of 13 years; do you know what that does to a person mentally? I'm sorry but I have to leave the group. You can continue Block B without me, I don't care, but I can't do this alone. I'm also trying to take care of a 15 year old boy alone...I have no time for block b"

Kyung shouted back at the manager.

"But Kyungie, what about the honey bees?" Po asked through sobs.

Kyung broke down on hands and knees in tears; he cared about the BBC like they were his family and often referred to them as his honey bees. Zico walked over and hugged kyung.

"Look... as the leader, I fully support my best friend's decision to leave Block B." He walked over and patted Po on the back "Don't worry boys, Bastarz will become our soul focus continuing promotions with them. Taeil and I will continue with solo careers in music and Jaehyo you can have more time to focus on your modelling and acting career, we might even try to help you with a solo album. We will still provide for our Bee's, and this doesn't mean Kyung will leave forever, he is our brother, he will still be here supporting us and I'm sure helping out behind the scenes"

With a large pep talk from the leader, the group gathered for a group hug. Oh what I could do for a hug right about now. It's my fault...Block B despands because of me.

"So do you see why you can't leave? You won't be here to support your brother and watch him succeed. Leaving your best friend behind left him broken, so broken he left his group. You have already seen the effect you had on JB. Now you must fight Youngjae. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT."

The angel screamed at me. I felt a large jolt of electricity on my chest and a loud beep, I felt myself falling heavily, back into my body. With a deep gasp, I sat up suddenly on the hospital bed before falling back down, puffing out of breath, I was in tears.


The doctor shouted to my nurse who ran out in tears. I just knew I had to stay strong and needed to heal fast and be there for my family.

A/N- Wasn't that an emotional fucking ride... Please leave your opinion in the comments. ~ Kira xxxx

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