Chapter 2

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I was barely eight when you kissed me.

It was only on the cheek; it was quick, it was a goodbye for now. You probably don't even remember it, but I do.

I came to visit Big Brother and Sister Tiana at their restaurant before opening and you were there. Giggling and jumping and wanting to help. So you did by playing with me before I had to go back to Father's vacation home. You asked about my studies, you asked what it was like to be a prince. Was I going to be king one day? I had only said maybe since Big Brother was still leaving our advisors in the cold about his crown.

You asked what I wanted to be. Dreams were important, everyone had to have dreams. I said I wanted to be a good ruler like Father. I wanted to take care of the people, I wanted to make sure everyone was happy. And you said that was a great dream. And that I should wish on a star, just for extra good luck.

Then you told me about your dream. Your dream, ever since you were a little girl, was to be a princess. To find a prince and have a fairytale ending with the man you love. Just like Big Brother and Sister Tiana. And when I reminded you that I was your prince, you only pinched my cheeks and called me a sweetheart.

And when I had to leave, plump and pink lips pressed against my cheek. They were soft and a little wet, and your lipstick stained my skin. Bright pink kiss mark shined brightly on my skin for all to say. Big Brother thought it was hilarious. Sister Tiana thought it was cute.

I didn't wipe it off until my nannies forced me to bathe that evening.

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