Chapter 5

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I was twelve and a fourth when I wrote my first letter to you.

I had been writing to Big Brother and Sister Tiana years before, but this was my first letter I wrote directly to you. It took me three tries before I finally wrote one that I felt was acceptable. I had been anxious sending it, afraid that you might have forgotten me or didn't want to waste your time writing to a child.

By this time, I was starting to realize that my feelings for you were deeper than a childish crush. It was more than just "I like the beautiful girl from New Orleans." It was slowly turning into something more, something that warmed my heart and struck fear into my body. Thinking of you sometimes made me anxious, but it brought me joy. At the time, I was convinced I was ill. I know better now.

I had been shocked that a month after I sent you my letter, you responded with your own. A long letter, four pages front and back, that smelled like perfume and cherries. Your handwriting was surprisingly small and dainty, though unsurprisingly had plenty of doodles in the corners and margins of each page. Your words were enthusiastic, honest, not at all forced like I had initially feared. You even said you missed me and hoped I could come visit soon.

Our pen pal relationship only continued from there. Every moment I was free, I would write to you. Every three weeks, you send a letter back. And always, without fail, your letters were long and so full of life. Each word bounced off the page, I could almost hear you speaking to me. I longed to hear your voice, childish and giddy with that southern belle twang.

The letters made me miss you more than I anticipated, but I never stopped writing you. Your words brought me too much joy to ever stop.

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