Chapter 11

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I was eighteen and a fourth when you broke my heart the third time.

I was finally an adult. I was even taller now, even a little taller than Big Brother. My voice had matured, I could stand tall, I could make my own choices. I could do what I wanted to do. Explore the world, fool around, have fun. But I had a duty to my people and I was expected to be king once Father passed away. Along with kinghood, I was expected to find a wife. To have a queen.

Mother and Parliament did their best to find suitable brides for me. Princesses and noblewomen from all around the world, eager and ready to be the wife of the Crowned Prince of Maldonia. But every girl brought to me, without fail, I turned them all down. They were not you and only you could be my queen. Because you were always the only woman in my heart.

You had no lover when I came down to visit. Ever since your father passed away, you never went looking for a prince. Your focus became the school, which was doing well even in the midst of all the economic ruin.

It was a warm May afternoon and you were as pretty as a magnolia. You were heavier now, plump and thick and still beautiful. You invited me to your house for dinner and, just like when we first met, you were giddy and giggling and talked a mile a minute. And instead of meeting your prince, you talked about your school. The charity events you went to. The business connections you were gaining. Everything was going well for you, so unbelievably well.

You said it was because your father was watching over you. That even in heaven, he was spoiling you with everything he could.

We were in the garden when I proposed. It was rather shameful, looking back on it now. I didn't get down on one knee and I didn't have a ring. I merely stood tall and reminded you that I was a prince. An adult prince. And I was facing pressure to marry, but I had turned down all marriage proposals and requests. You had giggled and asked why.

And when I said it was because I wanted to marry you, you froze. You did not laugh, you did not smile. You just stared at me with wide eyes. But I stood firm, proud even. Because I was the prince you had been waiting for you, your prince charming you had been planning to marry since you were a little girl. I was going to make your dream come true and you would make mine. You would be a princess, my princess.

Then you told me those kinds of jokes weren't very funny. That I shouldn't play with a girl's heart like that. But I didn't back down. I said it again, that I was serious. That I had always wanted to marry you, ever since I was a little boy. My proposal wasn't a joke. I wanted you to be my princess, the princess of Maldonia.

But you wouldn't let me say anymore. You turned away and begged me to stop. That you didn't want to hear it anymore. You had looked so terrified, almost close to the crying. Your shoulders shook and you wouldn't look at me. I wanted to ask what was wrong. But I didn't.

My throat had closed up. My heart stopped beating. I went numb as a cold chill went down my spine. You had said no. Even though when Big Brother's imposter proposed to you after only a day of knowing each other, you eagerly said yes. We had known each other for nearly twelve years. You should have said yes, but you didn't.

Then you asked me to leave. I didn't know what else to do but agree, so in a confused dazed, I left your house. I thought I heard you apologize, but for what, I don't know. I'm still not sure if you even apologized or if I was just hearing things.

It rained on my way back home. May weather in New Orleans was strange. I thought you were even stranger.   

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