Chapter 13

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I was twenty when I confessed my love to you again.

I was doing everything out of order. I had confessed, you didn't believe me, so I proposed, was rejected, and then asked why you didn't want to marry me. Never once had I said I loved you and had you taken me seriously. Even though I was supposed to be an adult, I was really just a child who hadn't learned a thing.

Mother wanted to visit New Orleans again and I accompanied her. We met with Big Brother and while they went for a bit of a tour, I went to find you. You were at the beauty school in your office, busy with paperwork and phone calls. And even though you looked to be having fun, smiling and laughing and humming to yourself, we both knew this wasn't the life you had envisioned for yourself. You wanted to be a princess, not a businesswoman.

And yet, there you were. In a pink and stylish dress, business casual, doing business and schmoozing like your father did. Your makeup was perfect, as was your hair, a pretty smile plastered on your cheeks. Not a princess, but still someone who commanded attention. And even a bit of respect.

It was a bit sad, but nonetheless, admirable.

Unsurprisingly, you were hesitant to see me. You attempted to make an excuse, saying that you were just so incredibly busy. That you didn't know if you could see me today or during any time I was in town. But I assured you I only wanted to talk, that I didn't want to bother you. I just wanted a few minutes of your time, if I could.

I would have left if you asked me too, but you eventually let me into your office. You sat at your desk while I sat at the chair across from you; it was strange, seeing you like this. In a big chair, in a position of power, no longer the spoiled little girl whose loving father showered her with everything her heart desire.

Small talk had passed, both of us a little awkward and unsure of what we were thinking. But I knew what I needed to say. Something I should have said a long time ago. So I started out with a soft cough and apologized for causing any emotional distress from my proposal. It had never been my intention.

You tried to tell me that it was all right and you had moved passed it. You had been flattered, really, you had, but you were... just too old now. Being a princess was hard work, you knew that now. And you didn't want to burden me with having to take care of an inexperienced and naïve older princess while trying to run my country.

I told you I wouldn't have minded. You could take all the time you needed to adjust to the life of a princess. I would be with you ever step of the way until you were comfortable and ready to be your own princess. You actually giggled at that and called me a charmer. Then you asked why I wanted to marry you when there were such more capable women, even real princesses, out there who would be better than you.

You were wrong. You were just as capable as any princess, if not more. You had your own school in a time where any business could crumble in a day. It was successful, your students were doing well, some were even finding work among the wealthy socialite class still thriving during the depression. And even you were still doing well, managing the money your father had left you well and not only surviving, but thriving.

You were more than capable and deserving of being a princess. And I wanted you to be my princess because I loved you.

I wasn't surprised that you were left speechless. At least I knew that this time, you weren't going to laugh or dismiss like you did when I had been a child. You just stared at me with wide eyes before a blush came to your cheeks. And when you looked away, probably confused, I assured you that I just wanted you to know why. Why I proposed to you, why I wanted you as my wife. As my princess.

But you couldn't respond. I was fine with that though; I knew you needed to process this all. So I stood up and bowed, apologizing for taking up your time. And I promised to write you again once I returned home. You didn't promise me you would write back, but you did acknowledge me with a bashful nod.

At least you finally understood. It was more than I could ask for. 

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