Chapter 14

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I was twenty-one when I proposed a second time.

When I came back to visit New Orleans for Phoebe's tenth birthday, I made sure to save one evening for you. Things were still a little awkward between us, but I was fine with that. So long as we were able to talk and you were comfortable still spending time with me, I could manage the awkwardness.

I bought a ring, one with a pink diamond and a silver band. Big Brother When my evening with you came, I asked you on a date. Though hesitant, you said yes. I brought flowers and like the diamond, they were pink. I took you to Sister Tiana's restaurant where they played your favorite songs while we were there. Then I asked, before you could go home, to go on a walk with me through the park.

You said yes. You even held my arm, like a lover. It might have been the wine you had at evening, I couldn't be sure, but you were much more open and willing to relax around me. It certainly made me feel a little more confident, but I knew I couldn't get cocky now. Not when things were still so delicate between us.

We had still written to each other, but there was tension. You avoided mentioning anything related to being a princess and my feelings. And I in turn was too afraid to ask you about your own feelings. Our letters had been egg-shelled, but we tried and that was all I think would could have hoped for.

But you were not like that now. You were laughing, you were bubbly, you were just like you were when you were nineteen. It was almost like I had travelled back in time, where you were young, my age, and you wanted to be a princess so badly you were willing to marry an imposter of Big Brother after only a day. But instead of an imposter, you felt affections for me. It was a day dream, really, but I hoped it would be true.

We came up to a bench near the pond. You asked me to sit, realizing that you were a little tipsier that you thought. When I offered to get you water, you said you just needed to sit still for a few moments. Then you laughed about how it seemed you hadn't had a chance to relax like this in a long time. And you thanked me for giving you that chance. You had fun.

My original plan was to find one of the white gazebos scattered around the park and propose to you there. But seeing you so relaxed and at ease there on that bench, I decided to try. Just one more time because now, you knew my feelings. You knew I wanted to marry you. It was my last gambit and I knew I had to try just once more.

So, on one knee with the ring presented to you, I told you again that I loved you. And once again, I asked you to marry me. Because you were the only one I wanted as my princess, no matter how old or how inexperienced you felt you were. I had loved you since I was a boy and never once had I looked at anyone else.

You were speechless again, but it seemed like you knew I would do this again. I know no one told you; it must have been your intuition. You simply stared at me for what felt like an eternity before giving a sad sigh. You said there was so much I didn't understand, that you just couldn't be the one for me. But still, you took the box from me to look over it and I could see little tears in the corners of your eyes. You murmured out the brand name, mumbling out how beautiful the ring is. That it was made just for you.

I asked for you to wait. To think about it and not respond just yet. And I told you to keep the ring. If you really didn't want to marry me, you could send it back to me. And if you did that, would never bother you about love or marriage or royalty ever again. We would be friends and I would accept that. Because I didn't want to cause you any more trouble.

You didn't say anything, but you kept the ring. And you allowed me to escort you back home. Not a word was said, but I was fine with that. It was your decision and I would wait as long as needed until you decided what you wanted. And whatever you chose, no matter what it meant for me, I would respect it. Because I loved you and I would do anything you asked.

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