Chapter One

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At this point, Remus was very, very, confused.
It was the night of Cupids play, Valentines Day, of course no one would want the freaky, scarred up, dirty blonde, scrawny, 16 year old as a date.

James and Peter were at the party in the common room, James flirting with Lily while some of the girls were gushing over Wormtail thinking he was a second year because of how small and mousy he was.

Padfoot had been asked out by various girls but for some reason had declined all of them saying that he was busy tonight with a bunch of homework that he hadn't done.

But Remus knew that was a lie.
Sirius and him were sitting in the common room where Mooney was honestly just trying to hide away from everyone like he did every year.
Sirius being a guest instead of getting with 20 girls in one night was quite a surprise.

Besides the night vision, the only way Remus could really see Sirius was by the lit fireplace the whole room had dim glow to it and pretty much empty besides the two 6 years since everyone like else was down having a good time.

They had been quiet for quite some time, Remus had been reading one of his magizoology text books by Newt Scamander, his favorite author of all time, he just seemed to get animals on a personal level and never judged appearances.
Remus wanted to meet him so bad when he was little, still kinda does. (Who was he kidding, he was DYING to see him)

Anyways, Sirius on the other hand was sitting pretty close, very close, almost on his lap close, but he was used to this by now.
Every now and then he'd look up to see Sirius staring directly at him and it made him a little self conscious, but not to much because this was Sirius after all.

After another half hour Lupin finally sighed and closed the book and turned to look right at the black haired boy.
"Why are you here Sirius?" He asked getting straight to the point.

Sirius fiddled with his wand and shrugged before stretching his arms up and then yawned big placing one of his arms around Remus casually.
"Just thought little Mooney could use some company. That's all."

Mooney shivered a little at the way he said 'company', and that smirk..
"You should go to.. To the party and have fun.. You don't need to be here.."
"But I want to."

It went into an awkward silence for a moment or two before Remus finally started to hurriedly gather his books and then proceed to run to the boys quarters.

"I'm going to bed." He mumbled, not even sure if Sirius heard him, and if he did he didn't give him a chance to respond as he darted up the stairs.

For some strange kinda ironic reason he felt like prey. Prey that had milliseconds to run before the predator pounced.
What was this?

By the time he reach their actual room he had broken into a cold sweat, he wanted nothing more then to bury himself under his sheets and just erase all that from his mind.
So that's exactly what he tried to do.
Keyword: tried.

He couldn't get that smirk out of his head, or how Sirius's hot breath had fanned his neck when he had said 'company'.
Speaking of hot, the more Remus though about it, the hotter his face got, and merlin he hated to admit this, the tighter his pants got too.

Not even 10 minutes go bye before he heard their door open. He literally forgot that they shared a room together.

He closed his curtains quickly before diving back into his piled up blankets.
"Remus..? What's wrong?"
That voice was gentle and made him feel better.

He uncovered himself and peeked out his curtains to see the red haired girl with the brilliant green eyes.
"I.. I.. I'm scared.." Was all he was able to say as he blinked a few times and pulled his knees to his chest staring at the floor.

"What happened?" She asked and Remus snapped his head back up at her.
"What are you even doing here?" He asked.
She sighed and couldn't seem to help but roll her eyes.

"Long story involving a tipsy rat, a flying sofa from Merlin knows wear, and a bowl of punch."
"Peter was the rat wasn't he?"
"Yeah. But what happened? I just had to beat Sirius up in the common room until he left to the party."
"Oh so he finally did go to the party.."

There was a hint of bitter disappointment in his tone and Lily caught on fast.
"Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"I.. Did we? I don't think so.." He said followed by a nervous laugh.

Lily sighed and patted his shoulder.
"Just don't be like your friends and do something completely stupid alright?"


She gave him another pat before leaving the room.
Remus fell back on his bed staring at the ceiling taking a big deep breath trying not to be reminded he was alone with his thoughts at the moment.

A Night To Call Ours )WolfStar(Where stories live. Discover now