Chapter 3

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"Are you guys ready for a night of sweets?!" James asked excitedly.
"Um no. I have a reputation to uphold, I am a Prefect." Remus said unflustered because Sirius hadn't done anything weird since breakfast and he had already partly forgot.

They were about to sneak out using the invisibility cloak and the Map they had created last year.
"Cmon..!  Moon Moon! We won't get caught! I worked out all the glitches in the map!"

Remus raised his eyebrow.
"All the glitches? So we're not gonna magically teleport to Africa or Asia or gonna zip through time again?"
"If I said no, would you still come?"
"Yeah. I'll pass."

"Whatever! You suck! Paddy you better be in our I'm gonna throw Wormtail!"

"Yeah! Wait what?" Peter said looking at James confused.

"Actually, I'm just gonna chill here for the night, probably go down to the common room later, scope out the scene.."

James looked like he was actually going to pick up Peter for a second but then smirked.
"Ooohhhh~ so this lion tamer is in our house~ Hm?"

Sirius shrugged and went back to playing with James's snitch.

"Maybe.. Maybe not.."

Remus suddenly snapped his book closed.
"You know what, I'm back in. Let's go." He said standing up and heading for the doors.

"Alright! That's what I'm talking about! Moon Moon is in the house!"

"Don't ever call me that again unless you wanna see a wolf's insides the dead way."

"Are you sure you're not coming?" Peter asked Sirius with a puppy face.

"Yeah.. No." Sirius said.

Remus felt a pang of sadness and a little bit of something else. Was it envy?
Why would he be sad or jealous?
He had no reason to, he shook it off as fast as it came though now Padfoot was looking at his strangely, but in his smug way.

"Let's go." He said stomping out of the room, two of his best friends on his heels.

It took a while but they finally made it to the Honey Dukes at Hogsmeade.
It was pretty much closed up for now, which means the whole store was theirs to take if they wanted.

James was droning about how they should see if there were any new pretty girls working at The Three Broomsticks.

Remus wasn't exactly a fan of the idea, at this point Sirius was making him question whether he even liked girls anymore. Honestly, he couldn't really remember anyone he fancied, or even if he did.

When your a regular looking guy covered in scar not one really wants anything to do with you, and eventually the feeling becomes mutual.

All little Peter wanted was some sweets that he could take back to his fellow Gryffindors.

They grabbed as much as they could and made a run for it when a sudden light was pointed at the window.
They didn't stop running until they made it back to Hogwarts.

James laughing and hollering as they ran for the tower, dropping the occasional sweet, at this point Mooney was the only one actually wearing the invisibility cloak, since he was a Prefect and just breathing next to these mauraders was putting it on the line.

When they got back, Sirius was gone, he hadn't been in the common room (where James and Peter had made the sweets fly around until they all dropped on everyone who was still awake who cheered and laughed merrily) Remus couldn't help but wonder a little bit.

Maybe Sirius had found someone, a nice girl, and was probably having the time of his life in a nearby tower.. Making her laugh with his stupid obnoxious pick up lines.. Cuddling with her when the breeze picked up... Probably getting all gentleman like..

"I'm going to bed.." Lupin muttered feeling very agitated, then sad and tired, it was the fastest his emotions ever shifted before.

"But there's gonna be a big party downstairs again! You can't miss it!" James said, Peter already gone.

"To tired, leave me alone and go to your ruddy party."

"Alright Mr.Grouchywolf, goodnight."
Lupin grunted in response, throwing the covers over himself not bothering to get changed.

He was having a hard time falling asleep, the more his mind went back to Sirius, the madder he got.
Fuck him! He thought and then growled.
But at the same time, he wanted him back in the room, he was on the edge right now, just knowing that Padfoot was close by made him feel a lot safer and calm.

He tried to just calm down squeezing his eyes shut so he could sleep.
Key word: tried.

It felt like hours before he could even stop tossing and turning.
When he heard the door open and close his whole body suddenly relaxed as a comforting scent emerged in the room and he snuggled into his pillow.

He felt comforting hands run through his hair and without a second thought headbutted it back.
A chuckle was heard and he felt something softer and smaller press against his forehead before he heard footsteps go near Sirius bed.

He gazed from the blanket to see the beautiful silhouette of a shirtless Sirius stretching.
He couldn't look away staring at him as put on his night shirt.

When Padfoot's eyes gazed over at him he closed his eyes real quick, it was awkwardly silent for a moment before he heard Sirius moving again.

After that Mooney had a good night's rest.

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