Chapter 14

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Remus woke the next morning to a dumb black dog in his face.

"Sirius.. knock it off" He let out a low growl as a warning but Sirius wasn't having it.

It was Saturday, a free day.

Many student were hanging around campus, socializing, practicing quidditch, or playing with the lake monster.
James and Peter were gone, James most likely practicing quidditch, Peter cheering him on.

Remus on the other hand would rather sleep till noon and study by the fireplace later. So being woke at 10:30am was not ideal to him.

Padfoot began scratching at his covers as Remus covered his face up to hide away.
The weight of the black dog got heavier as he heard Sirius voice.

Sirius pulled the covers off of his upper body and began nipping at his neck, leaving little kisses and love bites.
"C'mon Moony.."

Remus inhaled deeply, surprised Sirius was being so forward.
By now they both were aware that they were mates and they knew each other knew about their other knowing.
They just.. hadn't really talked about it..

Though Remus wasn't complaining right now.

Sirius put his hands on either side of his head. His lips trailed up to Remus's face. Their eyes locked for a moment before Sirius planted his lips on his.

It started off slow.. mouths touching but not moving.. then Sirius twisted his head and began licking at Remus lips, Remus opened his mouth a little as Sirius slowly moved his tongue in.

At this point Remus had sat up, covers falling off of his body as the hands traveled where they pleased, under his shirt for a moment.. then rest on his bare hips, in Remus's pants.

The kiss was soft but competetive. Mouths devouring each other slowly as Remus's eyes finally fluttered shut.

He made the tiniest of noise and that completely set the already 'really fucking horny from morning wood and the fact that my mate i wanna pound in the matress is a bed away' dog off.

He began grinding himself  against Remus stomach, whom wasn't ready at all for the impact and gasped almost lost of breath.

"Moony.." Sirius growled throwing his head back. He grasped Remus shoulders, pressing him back against the bed.
Remus was dumb founded for a moment before he felt his nether regions begin to stir.
Sirius just looked so.. Fucking Hot.

But Remus began to analyze it. Did he really want to lose his virginity? Right now?
Yeah he and Sirius had already done some things. But not the thing.
Sirius seemed more then ready, that made him feel more comfortable.

Padfoot was already diving his hands were they usually shouldn't belong. But now they did.
He stroked and kneaded Remus's thighs.
The sensation taking over both of them was exciting, thrilling, and yet hesitant.

Remus let out a slight moan as Sirius fingers glided over his arousal, but then let out a cross between a moan and yelp when Padfoots hands squeezed his ass. The smirk on Sirius's face grew and everything felt so much hotter now that Remus was fully awake.

"Ah.." Remus let out soft sounds, as Sirius groped him hard, Moony now feeling Sirius's hard on rutting against him.

"Padfoot.." He warned.
"Yes..?" The voice was lower then usual and sent out shivers of pleasure through Remus.
Remus just shook his head and Sirius face went solemn for a moment before he changed course sighing.

The ebony haired male flipped Remus over, making his knees bend so he was presented.
Remus blinked.
"I said no.."

"I know.. something else though.."
Remus didn't understand what Sirius was getting at, surely this was a sex position. Not what he wanted at the moment but he trusted Sirius.

Remus head was resting against the pillows so he couldn't see exactly what Sirius was doing but he did head something wet.

When he felt his sweats being pulled down, he tensed for a moment before relaxing at Sirius's calming touch. Sirius massaged his ass with one hand for a moment making his nerves calm down. The sensation of what happened next made Remus completely loose it.

)Cliffhanger cause i want to publish and I know you guys are getting anxious(

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