Chapter 21

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) So I watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for the first time since I was like, 4, and this is the song that inspired me to stop being lazy and give you guys more chapters so..  Thank the flying car from the 1960s.
Wait holy shit- I just realized the Car flies in CCBB but also in The Chambers of Secret. JK Rowling. Explain.(

Two weeks had past since the two had had their first time. And they were becoming a little more obvious then usual.
For instance, Sirius gladly would put his arm around Remus in the hallways or after practice.
(Once even grabbed his ass but Remus quickly put a stop to that)

They were slowly becoming a couple that other students were aware of. But didn't question.
Actually, so far no one had said negative comment or remark to them yet. But they both knew it was to good to be true.

Even for wizards and witches, it was still a different time.
A less accepting time.

When Remus didn't see James or Lucius in the Herbology class he gave a confused glance at Sirius whom was always with his best mate.

Sirius looked worried. The Potters were basically Sirius family as well. In 3rd year they had began taking him in and sheltering him from his horrible mother.
Remus had been over in the fourth year to see Mrs.Potter send Ms.Black flying across her yard. Telling her to "never bother her or her sons ever again!" Then Mrs.Potter brushed her hands on her apron and went back to cooking.
Lupin had never been so scared of a woman that made excellent pie.

Sirius began to get extremely anxious once Charms rolled around and James was still not around. No doubt he was worried about his brother like companion.
The dog gave his boyfriend a look while the teacher droned on. Remus had no answer.

Finally. Finally, in the hallway they caught a glimpse of the messy haired Potter. Sirius rushed over without a word. Lupin and Peter in tow.
"James!" Pettigrew called out running to the quidditch player.
"Mate where've you been?" Sirius asked.

"McGonagall's office." James muttered.
Remus raised his eyebrow at the statement, sure the transfiguration professor gave them plenty of warnings and threats of punishment.
But it was on rare occasions that she actually had them in their office for multiple hours at a time.

Actually, the last time any of them had been in her office was when they challenged the rule of being out during night. The rule stated that they had to be in bed. It didn't state anything about making the bed levitate and float around the hallways. Because technically, they were still in the bed.
The transfiguration teacher quickly but a stopper in that loop hole.

And the time before, that was when they tried to feed gillyweed to the Giant Squid. It was an experiment. But of course Severus had to rat them out.

But that was all besides the point, Remus noticed James hair was considerably more ruffled then usual as if it had been pulled.

"What happened?" Peter was the first to speak everyone's mind.

"That posh pissy prick Lucius is what happened. He was calling you two.. Well the worse word for Poof, and a bunch of other things.. And well.."

Remus face dropped, but he didn't say anything, Sirius was quick to notice with a side glance but a slammed door interuppted their minds.
As James trailed off Peter pointed off in the direction of McGonagalls office.


Lucius exited the room, a permanent scowl seemed to be set on his face, Snape joined him hurriedly as he began stomping off in their direction.
Remus eyes went wide as he spotted the obvious bruising of a black eye forming on the fair skinned blonde.

The two Slytherins gave them the stink eye as all four Gryffindor's heads followed them surprised as ever. Well not James, he glared right back. It was like putting two male beta fish in glass bowls right next to each other.

They were gonna try to fight regardless the barrier. This barrier just happened to be McGonagalls authority, and the students respect.

After the snake house students rounded the corner and Lucius's stomps were fading from earshot, Sirius looked at James estonished.

"You actually punched Malfoy. After all these years.. Holy shit Potter."

James sniffed looking up at his best mate, clearly still riled up. "Yeah well.. He was not expecting a non magic attack.. Stuck up git."

It was quiet for a moment before Sirius began chuckling, James began relaxing as he let out his own soft laugh. Of course Peter following.
In the next moment all three boys were howling with laughter.
Sirius clapped Remus on the back who let out a few hums.
But that was it.
His mind else where.


Later that day, the boys were at the lake.  Late February was melting into the Spring of March and Remus was extremely thankful.
He couldn't enjoy the warming weather at the moment. Or the fact that Peter was yelling at the lake trying to tempt the giant squid like they did last year.

Something was bothering him.

What James had said... He wondered if Lucius was spreading anything..

The wolf hadnt given being mates with a male much thought till now.  It had always been..

But he pondered. What were other students saying?
What were teachers thinking about their Prefect?
Oh Merlin! 
What would his parents think?!
It was already enough that they had to deal with a Werewolf son- now they had to deal with one that liked- no- was mated to a boy! 

His head was spinning.  He leaned back into the tree as Sirius yelled for Peter to give up. 
"It's still to cold Wormtail! There's no way its coming up!"
"Awwww..!" A disappointed whine from Peter. 
"Let's try again next month!" James yelled in response. 

Remus crossed his arms.  Body being fully supported by the trunk of the tree. Maybe he could run away. Live in the Forbidden Forest- he did have the qualifications- no. That wouldn't be suitable- besides what would he do for the rest of the month? Wonder around naked in the forest.
He was graduating next year anyway. 

He was freaking out. 









) So what do you guys think about Dumbledore and Grindelwald?? Eh??
Gay or European?
Comment below! I wanna talk to some people about it. (

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