Chapter 13

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While he was shining a Ravenclaw Cup for Most Academic Magic Achievements, Remus got to thinking.

He wasn't so sure about Sirius anymore. Half of him wanted Black to ravish him and love him, the other was unsure, insecure, and scared.

He sniffles slightly. So frustrated and confused he was on the verge of tears.

Remus wanted Sirius to hold him, and tell him it was going to be okay, and crack stupid jokes, and talk about what he was going to do when he left Hogwarts.
He loved hearing about the job opportunities and things Sirius wanted to do once he graduated.

But also, sorta wanted to hide away from everyone.

He knew somehow it had to do with being a Werewolf. That was it. Somehow, him and Sirius were connected by the canine parts of them.
And he was going to find out why.


Later that night, when he was sure everyone was fast asleep.
He snuck out of the dorm room, invisible cloak in hand.
James wouldn't mind, he was sure of that.

The trip to the library was easy, almost running into that cat, Miss Norris seemed ageless honestly. Filch was nowhere close though.

He found the book he was looking for, and turned to pages 394.

Chapter 112: Werewolves And Witchcraft

It had everything he needed to know about Werewolves and their habits.
Remus flipped through the pages, until he found what he was looking for.

Werewolves and Witchcraft: The Mating Game

Though Wolves are known to be social pack beast, Werewolves are quite different. Never in recorded history has their been a pack of Werewolves. But Mateship is the closest relationship a werewolf may ever get.
Mate under the terms for creatures is a specific breeding partner that chooses eachother. In my years studying beast in the magical world I have discovered the bond of Mateship usually last a lifetime.
After a partner may die, some animals will never mate again, may even die from grief shortly afterwards.
That is the form of Mateship Werewolves share. A Werewolf may start to pick up senses of their mate in their late teens as studies show.
When meeting their mate the ceremony of mating followed by marking (biting a specific part of the body to show claim to their mate) creates an unbreakable bond.
Though for the first few weeks or months the more dominant of the mates will constantly try to mate with its other to keep strengthening the Mateship which begins very fragile and easily broken.
Mates find comfort, peace, and contentment in eachother, hunting, sleeping, and eating together in both forms they take.
Though it not as rare as one may think, Werewolves can and will found mates among humans. Even Muggles and Werewolf Mateship have happened a few times in the past, and once a Centaur and Werewolf had been spotted and recorded-

Lupin blinked, he got all of the information he needed. Which wasn't much, were their canines supposed to come out and talk to eachother?

He tried reading on but there was nothing else, maybe Fantastic Beast And Where To Find Them had a better idea. No, that chapter went unfinished. He knew the Werewolf session in that book by heart, it didn't exactly have an ending.

He loved that chapter anyways, he longed to converse with the picture of the Werewolf, a female named Shira.
He remembered when he was younger and he'd softly howl with the open book in the moonlight.
It just made him feel.. more at home, in a sense.

He sighed, closing the book, and putting it back in its selective slot. Now he had to walk back without Miss Norris or Filtch catching him. Fanfuckingtastic.

A Night To Call Ours )WolfStar(Where stories live. Discover now