Chapter 31: This is Payback *Wink*

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~ [Mason] ~

It's Friday and Spring Break was coming to a close. My mind has been spinning all week as I started to realize that Evelyn just simply wasn't that into me. She might never be. She loves Liam and while it felt final, I still clung onto the hope that I could change that. That I could be to her what she wants him to be.

On my way to her place this morning, I picked up coffees and pastries, like I did that first time we...

God, I don't know how it happened, but from the moment I met her, Evelyn Martinez has been the epitome of perfection in my eyes. It wasn't just how her beautiful eyes sparkled in their bright green glory, but also her wit and how she brought humor into my life in such an unexpected manner. I may have painted an overly perfect picture of her in my mind, but goddamn did she fill it well.

I knocked on her door only to find her drowsy self in yet another pair of satin shorts. This one was red and it paired well with her black tank top that was messily ripped right above her belly button. These were clothes she never wore outside, but damn did I wish she did. She wore an awkward smile on her lips as she stood there frozen. I couldn't come in.

"Ev, everything alright?" I asked her but only got a straight face from her.

She took a moment to clear her throat and avoided my eyes. "Mason, I've made a decision. It's Liam."

My face went blank as I tried to process this. Of course, it wasn't a surprise, but I was hoping for more time to prove to her. I didn't say anything, but I continued to stare at her, watching her get more nervous by the second.

With a sigh, I spoke in defeat, "Okay, Ev."


I raised my hand to stop her mid sentence and spoke in a low voice, "I should go. Take care, Ev." It sounded like a farewell, which was not my intention, but if she had chosen Liam, what's there to do?

By the time I got home, I found Harper munching on a burger while sprawled across my couch, watching some comedy show. It's been like that recently.

It's not the sex that made me want her to stick around. She's the friend I wish I had all along, and it felt alright to be around her. I had considered possibly looking at her romantically, but then Ev's smile would flash in my mind and I was back to square one.

"Hey," she greeted me with a food-filled grin, "What's up?"

"Hey," I offered her a weak smile.

"Whoa," she sat up, put her food down, and faced me as I sat beside her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I told her with a brighter smile. "Do I get food?"

"No shit," she responded with another of her goofy grins and handed me a stack of boxes, each with a burger in it. This girl knows me.

"Uh... What's that?" I pointed at the creepy ass smiley box at the corner of my coffee table.

"Happy Meal," she reached over to grab the box and pulled out a plush puppy smaller than her fist. "The eyes are creepy, but it's still kinda cute." She shrugged as she put the toy down on the table, facing me.

"Oh... Kay, but why?" I stared awkwardly at the thing with its bulging eyes.

She shrugged, "I knew the box would creep you out."

I threw a pillow at her and she giggled as she caught it.

And our day just passed in a blur, but a part of me was still wondering if there was a way for me to get Ev back. There has to be a way...

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