Chapter 14: So No Serenading... How Bout a Boombox?

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~ [Evelyn] ~

When I got home, I changed into a loose sheer T-shirt that covered my butt. I kept my underwear on because it was my pink lacy ones that kind of matched. I felt pretty today, so of course, my undies and bra had to match. Resting my back against the kitchen counter as I gulped down my water, my mind started to wander.

I always thought that parents of best friends always got along. I mean, I can't see any reason why there'd be issues between Liam and Mason's parents. Was it perhaps the difference in class?

No. They treated me so well today as they had me over for dinner and I'm not rich at all. I wasn't raised in the elite society and I'm the type of person who considered the dust at the bottom of a bag of cereal to be a full meal in a bowl of milk. And I'm the kind of person who buys the knockoff brands in those giant resealable bags that cost like a dollar less. I'm not classy.

They don't have anything to do with each other in the business world since I heard they were in completely different industries. So what the hell is it?

I shifted my weight as I continued to ponder until I heard an urgent sounding knock on the door. I glanced at the clock. It's nine forty five in the evening. Maybe I forgot something in Mason's car when he took me home earlier.

I walked over to the front door, swinging it open to see Liam standing there with a strained expression. I could tell that he had been running his fingers through his hair repeatedly because his short curls were in a state of chaos.

"Liam?" I choked, "what are you doing here?"

"Um... Can I come in?" He asked with an upset tone.

I nodded and stepped aside, watching him with burning curiosity as he walked in. "What's the matter?"

He didn't respond and just sat down on my couch, staring at me with intensity.

This is weird.

I haven't really spoken to Liam much lately, in the hopes of falling for Mason, and while it seemed to work most of the time, it was like whenever Liam was around, everything else vanished. Sadly, that sometimes included Mason as well. So yeah, this is weird. I'm alone with Liam.

I sat down beside him on the couch, meeting his stare nervously as I suddenly became very aware that I'm wearing pink lacy underwear under a T-shirt. Just a T-shirt. A sheer one at that.

I'll just... act casual. If he doesn't say anything, then I won't either. Like that time I came to school forgetting to wear a bra. I had to internally chant ignore the nips, ignore the nips multiple times to get over that day.

"Liam," I said, starting to sound worried, "What is it?"

He continued to stare at me with a difficult expression and then, with a sigh, he reached into his pocket. I gasped when I saw what was in his hand as he pulled it out.

Long strips of paper.

With writing on them.

The stars.

I held my breath as he turned back to me with expectant eyes. Sad, expectant eyes. I looked away, staring at the little strips, recognizing some of the words I had written on them.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked me softly after a moment of silence. I kept my eyes on the strips, creased and bent around, looking like a bird's nest.

I wasn't sure what to say. Do I just go with it and admit to the truth? What would happen to our friendship? What would happen if Mason knew? "Tell you wha-"

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