Chapter 4

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Roses pov

       It's been a week since I came here.  6 days since he cheated. I've started to forgive him, but he's still cold.

       He's never there when I go to sleep, and never there when I wake up. The only time I see him is the pack business.

       It's like he's avoiding me. But why? I was walking to Lissa's, like everyday. I spent most time at hers.

        I got there and she was making coffe. I went up to help her, and I saw her neck. I saw bite marks. " He marked you!?" I asked excited.

     She looks at me and nods. " Ahh!" We scream. She looks at mine and frowns. " He hasn't come to his senses has he?" She asked. I shook my head.

       " He's not there when I go to sleep, or wake up. The only time I see him is pack business" I said. " Rose, it'll be ok" she said

       " Lissa, he's been avoiding me. Is he rejecting me? Would he really rather die than ever be with me" I say, tears threatening to fall.

       " Rose, no. It's probably just, he probably still hasn't gotten used to it. I don't know, but he isn't rejecting you" she said pulling me into a hug.

        " I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me today?" Lissa asked. " Sure" I said. " Let's go ask Dimitri" I say.

          We walk to his office, where he normally is. The door is locked. I knock. Noone answers.

       I start hearing noises. " Dimitri?" I say. I knock again. " Dimitri!" I say. A little louder.

        No answer. Then I hear her voice. " Mmm, Dimka! Yes! Faster Dimka!" I hear her voice. I step back slowly. " Rose?" Lissa asked. I look at her with tears.

          I turn around and run off to the house. I go to our room. I fall to my knees crying. How could he do this! He just started to get me to forgive him!

         He said he didn't mean it! And then he does this! Is this what he's doing all the time! Is this why he's never home! Why he's never with me!

          That's it. That's all I needed to know he was rejecting me. I mean, if he wasn't then why was he still sleeping with her? My wolf starts whimpering.

         Mate? She says. He rejected us. He's not our matte. He doesn't want us. I say. I curl up into a ball. I start to loose concious.

        Lissa comes running in. " Rose!  Rose wake up!" She screamed.

     Lissas pov

          " Rose! Wake up!" I scream. She slowly closes her eyes. " NOOOO!" I scream shaking her. Christian! I scream. What what is it Lissa! He said.

    Rose, she went unconscious! I can't get her to wake up! I scream. I'm coming he said.

         I sit there, shaking her. Christian comes running in " What happened!" He asked, picking her up. He started to walk to the small hospital we had.

     I told him what happened. We got there and they took her. We told them what happened. They put her on the bed. " Get the Alpha" someone says.

        Rose starts moving. " No don't get him!" I say. " Why? He's the Alpha. We have to" the doctor says. " He caused this!" I screamed at them.

     " Bey, calm down baby. It'll be ok. They have to. I'm sorry" he said. They went to get him. " Wait. I'll go get him" I said.

        I went to his office and the door was unlocked. Noone was in there. I went to the meeting hall. He was there. I walked in and looked at him.

      " What do you want?" He asked. " You. Rose is in the hospital. " I said. His eyes widened. " Wwhat! Whyď" he said. I started laughing.

        " Why? Why! Don't you dare ask why! Your why! Your the reason she's dying!" I scream at him. " Do not talk to your Alpha like that" he said.

       " If she dies, it's on your hands" I tell him. " Why? What did I do!" He said walking to the hospital. " You already had her thinking you where rejecting her. What heppened today just confirmed it" I said.

       He stopped and looked at me. " What do you mean what happened today?!" He asked. " I don't know, we went to ask you if it was ok to go shopping. When we got to your office, the door was locked. Tasha was in there moaning and saying YOUR name." I said

         " I haven't been in my office all day! I've been there" he said pointing to the meeting hall. " What" I said " I've not been to my office all day Lissa." He said

        We started running to the hospital. We got there and she was hooked up to several machines.  " Roza" he said walking up to her. Her heart rate spiked just for a few seconds.

          " Roza, please listen. I wasn't in my office aamt all today. I promise. Please Roza, I'm not rejecting you. Please come back to me" he said. Her heart rate started to get better, but then it went back down.

          " Keep talking" I tell him. He keeps talking to her, and her heart rate gets better. The doctors tell us to leave, but Dimitri refused. He stayed with her.

        All we have to do now is wait.


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