Prologue; Line The Pieces Up

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The group of four ran past Y with loud laughter. So loud it was almost obnoxious. But the blonde didn't mind. Y watched them run past silently, holding a stack of flyers to her chest. She felt her orange eyes fill with tears as she watched them pass. The girl with brown hair and green eyes wearing an orange shirt. The boy with blonde hair and brown eyes, who was the unofficial leader. The heavier boy with dark hair and brown eyes. And him.

He looked a lot happier than Y remembered seeing him in a long while. His bright blue eyes were filled with laughter. Y found herself believing he did have a heart, just from one look at his eyes. His blonde hair was the same messy spikes she had remembered too. He wore something different now. No longer did he wear the black coat she was so accustomed to. He wore a cream jacket with a checkered pattern around his sleeves and a red collar over a black zip up shirt. The pendant hanging from the zipper resembled an x, looking at it made Y smile.

But it hurt to see who he was with. He wasn't with his real friends. Just these fake place holders until Naminé completed her job. It would only take a few days. Seven at most. It wasn't enough time. Not nearly enough.

Y wanted so badly to save him. He didn't deserve death. He should be given just as much chance to live as Sora. But how could she separate them from each other? Their memories had become so entangled within one another's. Only Naminé could fix it now. But she wasn't allowed to interfere with Naminé's work. She just had to stand guard over this town until the time came. The time for his life to end and Sora's to continue. She couldn't fix him. Another one she couldn't save.

Y let out a soft sigh turning to go back to the job she had. It wasn't worth doing, but anything to keep her mind distracted was useful at this point. It prevented her from worrying about them. Where they were and what they were planning. Things had fallen apart between her and her friends so quickly. Like a tower falling when one brick was removed. Now they were all on their own.

Axel had to have returned to the organization. He had no where else he could ever think of going. Y had to be sure he couldn't find this town, and if he did he couldn't get him. Axel had to be, eliminated before he could interfere too much.

X, he could be anywhere. He planned on helping Sora, but he didn't specify what that plan entailed. He could be just wandering worlds, waiting to chance upon the now sleeping hero. Or he could be in a world he somehow knew Sora would go to. Y didn't know, but she was already worried. Her brother had been misguided before, maybe it would happen again.

And Yuki. The little princess, as X called her when she wasn't around. Y really worried about her. She had no clue what to do. She had never been alone before. She was so confused and scared. She didn't even know who to side with. The fight amongst the friends must have torn her up the most. They were all she could remember most of the time.

Y was jolted out of her revive when someone bumped into her, making her drop everything she was holding. Without thinking Y dropped to her knees to pick up the scattered papers. The person who had bumped into her dropped down as well.

"Sorry about that Y." Y glanced up to see the blue eyes she knew so well. The blonde boy offered her a small smile as he helped her gather the flyers. Y forced herself to smile back.

"It's alright Roxas. My fault for zoning out like that." Y replied. Roxas smiled a little more at her. He glanced down at the flyers the two were picking up.

"You excited for the struggle tournament?" Roxas asked. Y glanced at the flyers she had been holding. That's what they were for. Y smiled as she stood, having gathered all the flyers.

"Only if you win." Y stated simply. Roxas laughed nervously.

"I don't know about that." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

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