Chapter VII; Another Beginning

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X gave an annoyed huff as he retrieved his dagger from where he had thrown to kill yet another Heartless. He didn't know where the small ones had come from, but they were really the last thing he needed. Yen Sid already didn't trust him and small Heartless out of nowhere made him seem very guilty. He was the one who was supposed to be able to control them.

"Heartless, Heartless, Heartless! Things haven't changed one bit!" Donald complained looking to Sora and Goofy where they stood a floor down from X.

"Well, it's a good thing we're on the job, then." Goofy said trying to keep things light. Sor sighed heavily and let his shoulders drop in disappointment.

"So the worlds aren't at peace after all?" Sora asked. They had worked so hard before falling asleep for however long. Sora had thought they at least wouldn't have Heartless to worry about, even if the king seemed to be insisted something important was going on.

"They were for a little bit." Sora, Donald, and Goofy turned quickly at the sound of the new voice and the sound made when a Heartless was killed. Behind them was a blonde boy with cat-like purple eyes. He wore a black shirt with a white swirling pattern on the side. He had a black short-sleeved jacket over top with purple x's on either shoulder. Two purple belts hung crooked on his hips, one above the jacket and one with black pants and a purple belt around his left thigh.

"Huh? Who are you?" Sora asked. X rolled his eyes looking over the keyblade wielder. He looked like just a kid with his undersized red clothing. But at the same time, he looked all too familiar.

"An ally. Master Yen Sid has been waiting for you guys to show up." X answered calmly spinning his dagger. "The Heartless were a little bit of a surprise, glad to see you handled that." He continued.

"You know Master Yen Sid?" Donald asked. X had to stare at the duck for a moment to be sure he understood what he was saying.

"Well," X said and nervously rubbed the back of his head. "We've met. Come on, I've already cleared out the rest of the tower." He said motioning for the group of three to follow him. X banished his daggers as he led the way to the top floor where Yen Sid was.

Entering the room X moved to the side where a bookcase was and leaned against, watching as the group stood in front of Yen Sid. X crossed his arms as Donald and Goofy bowed.

"Master Yen Sid! It's an honor!" Donald said attempting to sound humble. He was clearly in awe of the wizard in front of him. Not that X knew why. Yen Sid had never shown his power, only sat back and watched.

"Hey there!" Sora greeted cheerfully.

"Sora! Show some respect!" Donald snapped jumping up and pulling Sora into a similar position as the other two. Yen Sid waved his hands in a motion asking them to calm down. Donald reluctantly released Sora.

"So, you are Sora." Yen Sid said looking at Sora with interest. "Now then, have you seen the King yet?" He asked.

"Yes, we did, Master. But we didn't get a chance to talk to him." Goofy answered for the group. Yen Sid nodded. That was to be expected with the recent troubles.

"Yes. The King has been quite busy of late. Therefore, it would seem the task of instructing you three falls upon my shoulders. You have a perilous journey ahead of you. You must be well prepared." Yen Sid said calmly. He briefly looked over to X who was remaining silent.

"You mean, we have to go on another quest? I was looking forward to finding my friend Riku, so we could go back to the islands." Sora said sounding defeated. X imagined it wasn't pleasant to be sent on journey after journey. It would be tedious before long.

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