Chapter VI; One Ending

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Y was out of breath as she ran through Twilight Town. There was no more time. It was rather sudden, they were supposed to have one more day. But DiZ had decided they didn't need that time. Sora was ready to wake up. All they needed was Roxas.

But it seemed luck wasn't on their side. Axel had broken into the system again. He was closer to Roxas's location, Y was hoping she wouldn't run into a fight. She wasn't sure she'd be able to stop Axel. He had to be desperate by now. As desperate as DiZ was. He'd be willing to do almost anything to get Roxas back. Or destroy him.

As Y reached the usual place she skidded to a stop. Axel was raising his chakram preparing to throw it at Roxas. Y was just about to summon her keyblade and attack when Axel froze in place. She muttered a quick praise under her breath. She had no idea how DiZ managed it,  but he had stopped Axel on time.

"Roxas, to the mansion! The time has come!" DiZ's voice rung out through the town. Roxas looked up at the sky with an almost blank expression.

"Hayner! Pence! Olette!" Roxas called out to the sky. Y smiled softly as she walked to where Roxas was and tugged on his arm. He looked toward her quickly, his eyes widening with shock as he saw Y beside him.

"Come on. He's not going to stay frozen long. He's not data, we can't control him." Y said pulling Roxas's arm, trying to get him to move. His feet seemed to move without him having control. He followed Y who carefully wove around Axel into the empty town.

"Y? What's going on?" Roxas asked. Y looked around cautiously and sped up her pace a bit. Roxas stayed close on her tail hoping to hear her answer.

"We don't have time. Just follow me." Y said. She could explain it to him. But that would slow them down and Axel might be able to catch up and Y would rather avoid a fight today.

"No, what's going on!?" Roxas demanded. Y heard his footfalls stop and she sighed heavily. She turned to face him with a look of annoyance. This was hard enough without him making it harder on her.

"Follow me to the manor. It'll become clear there." Y said simply. Roxas looked at her for a moment considering her words. He finally looked away with a frown.

"Fine." He agreed. Y sighed heavily and set off at her brisk pace again. Roxas followed though he was clearly not pleased.

"Do I really know those people? Axel and Yuki?" Roxas asked as they walked. Y laughed to herself. It would be too much to ask that he be quiet the entire way there. It was too much to ask that he didn't ask any hard questions. He did deserve to know, but Y didn't think now was the time to relive old memories.

"Yeah. It was always the five of us. We were all best friends." Y answered softly. Roxas frowned as he thought about her words.

"Just like Naminé said." He said softly to himself. "Who was the fifth?" He asked.

"My brother. He's decided to let this town be. But that's not important." Y answered quickly. They were almost to the forest now. That didn't leave much more time for questions.

"And the keyblade?" Roxas asked.

"There are a lot of them. Each one is different." Y answered. She glanced over her shoulder. They weren't being followed, which was good. But it was only a matter of time.

"And this town? All the weird stuff that's been happening?" Roxas asked. Y looked at him for a brief moment before looking away again. She blinked back the tears that had begun to accumulate in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier Roxas. This town is a digital rendering of a real world. It was meant to contain you until the time was right." Y explained, her voice beginning to crack. She swallowed nervously. She didn't want to cry yet. She had cried enough and it never did anything to help.

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