Epilogue; Yours And Mine

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It was well past midnight in the Mysterious Tower. X was well aware of that but the exact time was beyond him. Several candles were lit around the room, but they didn't offer much light. Not nearly enough to cover the entire library. X didn't mind the darkness though. As long as he had enough light to read by that was all that mattered. And he probably would have been able to read from the light that poured in the large windows. The stars were rather bright here.

The desk X was at was covered in books all open to different pages and he flipped through each idly. Y never understood how he was able to read multiple books at a time. He never knew himself either. Reading was just one thing he was able to do no matter the circumstance.

Y was at the other side of the desk. X had blown out the candle next to her after she had fallen asleep a few hours ago. Her head was resting on an open book, and her Wayfinder was held tightly in her hand. She would wake up with the strange imprint like was becoming the usual here.

X sighed and stood up. He grabbed a blanket that was draped over a nearby chair. He was prepared for her to fall asleep again. She had every night they had stayed in the library reading. X gently placed the blanket over her shoulders and as carefully as he could, took the book from her and closed it.

He sat back down again and began to read. Y had been exhausted since her trip to Disney Place. Ther had been a problem with Jiminey's Journal, and she had been asked to help. It ended with a wild adventure in a data world. X hadn't gotten all the details. But it seemed as expected, Sora was the key to saving their friends. They just needed to figure out what Sora had to do.

"Mmmm, what time is it?" Y asked sleepily. X looked from his books to see Y sitting up, rubbing her eyes. It did little to get rid of the sleepiness.

"Late," X answered.

"How late?" Y asked. She forced her eyes to stay open as she supported her head on her arm.

"To the point it could be argued as early," X said. Y blinked a few times, taking a moment to process what that meant.

"And you're still awake?" she asked. X shrugged looking back down to his various books.

"Not tired," he said. He glanced up at her again. "You should go get some rest, in an actual bed."

"No, not until you sleep too," Y said, shaking her head.

"I'm fine. It's no big deal," X said. Y pouted and rested her head on her crossed arms. She watched as X continued flipping through various books. She didn't move to help him. X doubted she even could. It was much too late, and she had never enjoyed reading in the first place.

"Have you found anything?" she asked after a moment.

"Nothing concrete really. A lot of this is really vague. But, some of it might help. It talks about the power of waking, which might be what we need," X explained. He had seen it referenced a few times in waking sleeping hearts. Which Ventus's heart was certainly sleeping like his body was.

"Power of waking?" Y asked.

"It's a power keyblade masters often have. But, I can't find much more about it. It's about as elusive as writings on the ancient keyblade war," X said.

"Isn't all that knowledge kept in Scala ad Caelum?" Y asked. X paused for a moment, half-convinced she was just making things up in her sleep-deprived state.

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