Chapter XVI; Keepers of Balance

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X coughed waving his hand in front of his face to clear away dust. Y ignored him throwing another stack of papers onto the desk in front of him. X coughed again his eyes watering. It was clear no one had been in this lab for a long time. Years at the very least, possibly even longer. Searching through the desks Y was pulling out file after file of papers and threw them in a stack in front of X after a quick skim over the contents. X could only see graphs and figures, things he had never understood.

"I'm a thousand percent certain this is a bad idea. A very bad idea," X said coughing off to the side and waving his hand in front of his face.  Y rolled her eyes as she continued skimming over the file in her hand.

"You know as well as I do no one ever comes into this lab. We were the only ones ever brave enough," she said closing the file and tossing it onto the desk. It landed with a puff of dust. X glared at Y.

"Or, you know, stupid enough," he offered. Y shot him a glare in return forcefully closing the draw she had been searching through. 

The old lab in their homeworld had long been abandoned. The two themselves couldn't remember the accident that had supposedly killed everyone who worked there. X wasn't even sure if they had been born at the time. He was inclined to think they hadn't from the age of the other Heartless that had been born from the accident, which had not been an accident. 

"I do not need your pessimism. Just shut up and help me," Y said turning her back on X and walking to another part of the lab. X rolled his eyes and followed her looking over the bench she seemed to decide was the next thing to search through.

"It's not pessimism, it's realism. But, fine. What are we even looking for?" X asked leaning against the bench and picking up a random stack of papers. His eyes skimmed over the words but he saw nothing even remotely interesting.

"It had occurred to me, the experiments done here had to be similar to what Terra-Xehanort did in Radiant Gardens, right?" Y asked. X frowned and nodded.

"Yes. I would assume they had their commonalities," he agreed.

"Right. So DiZ wants to learn all he can about those exact experiments, we can't get that info. So let's look at what we can," she explained. She frowned tossing aside the papers she had been looking at. X assumed they didn't have the information she wanted on them.

"I suppose that makes sense," he said.

"Right, let's check the library," Y suggested. X frowned crossing his arms not making any effort to move.

"I've read every book in that library at least twice. There's nothing there," he said. Y stopped in her tracks and turned to face him her eyebrows furrowed together as she frowned.

"When did you have the time for that?" she asked. 

"When you were gone," X answered with a shrug.

"What did you do? Stay here 24/7?" Y asked. The library here was filled to the brim with books. Some shelves were even overflowing with books crammed in the small space between the shelf and the other books. It would have taken her years to go through even one section let alone the entire library. Of course, X had always been much faster at reading and had started on his quest of reading every book in that library when he was very young. But it still would have taken years to finish the library.

"For the most part. If I could avoid the city I did," X answered. 

"Why?" Y asked. X shrugged again.

"There was nothing for me in the city. I thought it'd be better to do something productive. So I tried learning a few things," he said. Y frowned looking down. X had always had a harder time fitting in. He had very few friends since all eyes always had seemed to be on him.

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