Chapter XVIII; Who They Were

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Yuki smiled sweetly at the woman who handed her the stick of ice cream. It had been a long day of searching again for a safe place. It was starting to seem like no world would be quite as safe as Castle Oblivion. Naminé had once again insisted she could handle the day alone. Yuki did believe her, it just seemed wrong. Nami was always alone. She shouldn't have to be. She would have to spend the next few days with her.

Yuki aimlessly wandered Twilight Town. It was the first time she really didn't have to worry too much about who else saw her. When they had been part of the organizations they only talked to shopkeeps. No one else in town was supposed to see them. Now it didn't matter.

She used to love hearing the whispers of the town. Talk of the ghosts on top of the clock tower. Xion had laughed when Yuki had told her about that rumor. The thought of Xion caused Yuki's stomach to twist as she looked at her half-finished ice cream. Suddenly she wasn't so hungry.

She still didn't know, why she remembered when no one else did. Even Naminé couldn't explain it, and she was an expert in memories. Maybe she could get rid of the memories for Yuki. Then it wouldn't hurt as much. She had already lost Roxas, but at least there was someone else she could talk to about that. But no one remembered Xion to grieve with her.

Yuki disposed of her ice cream and stuck her hands in her pockets. She felt her hand brush against the seashell in her pocket. Xion's seashell. The cool shell sent a shock through her arm. She had almost forgotten she had it.

"Hey, Yuki!"

Yuki jolted from her thoughts turning to see who had called her. She smiled briefly seeing Sora and his two companions, though still no sign of X. Sora waved at her with a broad smile. He didn't drop his arm until Yuki walked over to join them, tightly gripping on the seashell as if holding Xion's hand.

"Sora, hey. What brings you here?" Yuki asked. Sora smiled as he crossed his ankles and put his arms behind his head.

"This worlds been kinda weird on our map for a while, so we thought we'd check it out now that it's back," he explained.

"Weird, I haven't had a problem getting here," Yuki said, frowning lightly. Twilight Town had been a pretty regular stop. Though she didn't like it as she knew DiZ was close by. That's where Y was working right now.

"Do you come here often?" Sora asked tilting his head to the side. Yuki smiled and nodded looking away from the brick road and back up to Sora.

"This is my favorite world. It's, it's almost like home," she said.

"What about Destiny Islands?" Sora asked with a pout. Yuki chuckled.

"Don't worry, that's a close second. I just have a lot of good memories here. This is where I met all my friends," she explained. She glanced over her shoulder to where the clock tower was. As she turned back to Sora they were interrupted by a small figure running past.

"H-help! The sandlot! It's Seifer! Somebody please help us!" the figure yelled. They were dressed in blue with a hat falling over their bright yellow eyes. Yuki watched them go before turning back to Sora.

"We're going to put this conversation on hold to go help whoever that is, right?" she asked. It was a pointless question. The day Sora decided not to help someone would be quite the day.

"Yeah, but where's the sandlot?" Sora asked. Yuki smirked.

"This way, come on," she said turning her back and running to the Sandlot. She had remembered its location well enough. It was the first place she had seen Roxas and Xion. A mission taking out deserters. This time the Sandlot was filled with Dusks that seemed to be surrounding three teenagers. One wore a beanie and seemed to be trying to push himself up. Sora jumped in front of them drawing his keyblade.

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