Chapter 6

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With my heart stuttering in my chest, I let Sol inside my house while the inner me face-palmed for the 23782634378th time in just an hour. Sheepishly, I admit that she – I mean me, or most likely a mysterious entity within me also pretending to be me, was entitled to it since I've been stupidly breaking all the rules in the Stranger Danger 101 sesh that my parents gave me when I was a kid.

And it's all because of the disheveled yet oh-so-beautiful, undeniably irresistible, panty-dropping gift from the heavens that I barely know but who cares! Certainly not my nether regions. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* ehe

He walked in slowly behind me, his eyes carefully taking in my humble abode. I tried to force my attention away from him but my eyes never fail to stray towards his direction. Gahhh, why is his wet look making me so darn excited?! I wanna jump his bones...oh no we're alone in this house...oh no..oh..yassssss — NOPE! NUH-UH, you're clothes should stay on you, Roni, dammit. Have you no shame, woman?!!!

Urghhh, y u so riteous inner me???

Emerging out of the gutter that is unfortunately my mind, I dragged my attention away from Sol and towards the shivering kitty in my arms. My heart breaks for the poor creature's trembling state, making me stumble and fumble my way up the stairs to my room, frantically searching for the thickest, fluffiest blanket that I own. Once I found it, I quickly wrapped it a bit loosely around the kitten, hoping that it's just enough for him or her to move around and be comfortable in. Then I headed back downstairs, grabbed a milk, poured it in a bowl, headed back up and then I placed it in front of my cutie kittypie – oh wait, did he just purr? ASDJKFHJLSDF Mental side note: yes, the kitty's mine now. Never mind the figure that's followed me up here in my room.

My heart coos and reassembles itself when I saw the furry little thing snuggled in and purring his content to me while simultaneously licking the milk from the bowl, thanking me with those soft blue eyes of his. Omigosh, I'm super ready to give my life to this kitty right now, you have no idea.

"Are you just going to ignore me for the whole time?" I jumped slightly, suddenly remembering that he's still here and very much in my room...a room with a bed. I shake my head slightly, trying to dispel my embarassing thoughts so that I won't blurt it out to him out of blue. #crossedfingers

"" I awkwardly said, uncomfortable in my own room. Suddenly, I was hyperaware of my surroundings. I looked around me, feeling like I'm seeing my room through the eyes of a stranger. I cringed at how topsy-turvy everything is. My paintings littered the navy blue walls as well as the floor while various paint splotches the white carpet. My bed was unmade, the gray sheets in a hopeless disarray and my books, papers and notebooks was scattered all over the room.

Thank goodness my closet is closed, one less thing to be ashamed about. That would probably be a horror for another time, atleast by then he would be prepared for the worst. Well, that is if there's ever another interaction after this. Sudden disappointment pierce through me at the mere thought that this may be the first and last time he'll acknowledge me.

Shrugging my ridiculousness off, I asked, "Are you cold?" as my eyes remained focused on my hands that were petting and stroking my fluffy baby.

"What do you think?" He said, sarcastically. I bit back a retort, opting to just glare at him. But then I noticed that he was smiling slightly, daringly, at me while he leaned on the doorframe.

"Then go find a corner and die of hypothermia."

"Did your parents ever teach you not to be rude to guests?" He said, a teasing grin on his face.

"They did. They also told me not to bring a boy home even if he's dying from the cold and yet here we are. With all my encouragement, you may see yourself out." I retorted while I try my very best not to stick my tongue out in his direction. I turned back to the kitten, my mood instantly uplifting as I tuck her into my arms again since it seemed like the heat from the blanket was not enough. 

"Let's give you a name now, you lil cutiepatootie. Oooooh~ that was a good one don't you think so?"

"Oh god no, you're not gonna name it Cutiepatootie. That's too cruel." He interjected, coming closer to me.
"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to move backwards until there wasn't any more space(*cough*ew*cough*cliche*cough). So I turned around, my back facing him, my front facing the bed with Cutiepatootie still in my arms.

"I won't let you name the kitten Cutiepatootie." He whispered slowly and deliberately in my ear as I felt arms come around me from behind as well as a cold body pressed up against my back, making me shiver from the lack of heat. Ironically, my cheeks felt too warm and looked too red to testify to that.

"Wha...Wai—What do you think you're doing???"

"I don't know where the blankets are." He said while he's also NUZZLING MY NECK. I'm screeeeeeechinggggg, whatthefuckisbreathing

"What does that have to do with me?" I said in a slightly panicky, very unsteady voice.

"I'm cold." He grumbled as he somehow pressed himself closer to me, making me feel his figure entirely. (!!!)


"There's this thing called body heat..."

"No way, go away!" Pfft, as if I really mean that...

"I wasn't asking for your opinion."

"B-but you're too cold!" I tried to protest but we all know it's half-heartedly.

"So?" He taunted, placing a small kiss on my cheek. Goodbye sense and sanity, it was nice knowing you.

"You're leeching off my body heat!" Why am I still arguing?

"Don't care." Oh, now I get it. Because I'm pretty close to fainting, okay then.


"What?" He groaned, his voice tinged with irritation and exasperation. "You're so noisy, let's go play your silent game." Is that going to be code for ...that –  it's not supposed to be!

"What? No!" Who here looks like a tomato? Meeeeeee.

"Why not?"

"Just...!"*insert frustrated noises here* "Get off me and go take a shower."

"...Where?" Welp, there goes your opportunity, Roni. Wasted. Very well done.

"—Down the hall, to your left. There's towels there."

"But my clothes..." He whined.

"I-uhh guess I'll bring you some of my dad's old clothes after I put your clothes in the washer."

"...Will you be sniffing my clothes?" Cue the intense blushing again.

"Heck no! Ackk, Sol. Just go take a shower."

"Then we'll play the silent game, afterwards?"

"Of course not! Now, move away." Who am I kidding???


"What are you still loitering for?"

"You're not going to join me in the shower?"

Yes please!


"You hesitated."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"Shut your trap if you still want to live."

"Fine, geez. Calm your tits, woman." He jeered then quickly took off towards the bathroom.

"Oh, YOU!" I shouted, running after him. Damn him, the bastard was just laughing his ass off. "Asshole!"

I really dont think this is my best chapter but please tell me what you think. Just don't be rude about it. Love you peeps, especially Sammmmmyyyy!!!!!
Ukieee, buhbye, Imma sleep :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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