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Dear Yoongi,

I'm sure that by now, you all know.

I don't want you to blame yourself, because I know you will. Please understand that none of it was your fault. You've been a huge help, if anything.

I want you to know that you're the best roommate I could've asked for. You're probably mad at yourself for not noticing before, but you've done wonderfully. I didn't expect you to notice – I made sure you wouldn't. Anyway, you cheered me up all the time, didn't you?

Look, Yoongi, I'm tired. I know I'm not as good as the rest of you – don't try to deny it, I can't sing or dance or rap or even be a proper visual – and I'm sick of being the one holding you all back. You each have so much potential and the ability to fulfill it, but while I'm here I'm in your way and I don't want to be anymore.

I hope you know how incredibly talented you are. You're a great rapper and no one's lyrics ever hit quite as hard as yours do. You've made it, and I'm so proud of you.

Don't ever stop smiling, alright? I know you have that whole Agust D reputation to keep up and the whole savage Suga thing you like to do, but I want you to never stop being the Min Yoongi that I know — the one who has a gummy smile and writes funny parodies of his own sad songs and lets the maknaes make fun of him. You're kind and considerate, even if you don't like to show it. I'll miss you.

Do me a favor and don't let the boys do anything stupid. I'll be watching and making sure of it, and if I see you let Jungkook trample Jimin like he's been threatening to do I swear I will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Please take care of yourself. Don't stay out too late with Namjoon and don't forget to eat dinner. Hell, you're probably going to have to enroll in some cooking classes so the lot of you don't starve. And do NOT let Joon in the kitchen or anywhere near the microwave, if you do you'll probably all join me wherever I end up.

Don't ever forget that I love you, Yoongi, because I do, you're like a brother to me, and I'm always going to be here for you even when it doesn't look like I am.

Love, Jin.

P.S. - You're the eldest now that I'm gone. I trust you.


Dear Taehyung,

Please don't be sad or angry. You're going to want to be, and I can't blame you, but I need you to understand that this was for the best. I wasn't happy here –I think you've seen that – and I've been needing this for a long time.

Tae, it's not your fault, okay? You've made me smile and laugh so much. You're so kind and observant and funny and I never want you to change. Your happiness has always been contagious, kiddo, and around you, I don't have to pretend as much.

I know it bothers you when people call you weird or an alien, and I think you should know that they mean it in the best way. Your quirks are some of the best things about you. And I know you're insecure about that boxy smile everyone says you have. Don't be. I think it's cute.

If there's one time you've ever listened to me, please make it now. I need you to do me a favor and take care of Kookie, because God knows he can't take care of himself. Remind him to do his laundry regularly so he doesn't end up having to wear a colored shirt because he's out of clean clothes.

And while you're at it, help take care of Jimin too. I know he's older than you but he can be such a kid.

Listen to your hyungs, please. Don't give them a hard time and don't let Kookie give them a hard time either, because I know both of you can be very stubborn and it can drive them nuts.

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